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AmYs PaGe: tHe JoY oF bEiNg JoYfUL

howdy everyone! this is my section of the best damn place on the whole entire web...can i get an amen? no...ok...well i no many of u have no idea what the hell we were thinking when we put this kick ass site together...and i only have one thing to say to u go...go to the little 'x' at the top of this window...thats right press it and dont look would be more painful that way...*wipes away a tear*...but for those of u who do get it and praise it as pure art and a work of genius u are my soul mates and i have only one vital thing to say to u as well...explore and enjoy looking into the minds of two of the wisest, beatiful, graceful, and charming ppl u will ever no...and remember this...*whitney houston voice* iiiiiieeeiiiiiieeeiiii will always love uuuuu whoooo ill alllways looove u!

~PEaCe To ThE mIddLe EaSt~

aMy (a.k.a. aRnOOdLe)

tHiNgS tHaT mAkE mE JoYfUL

OtHeR pLaCeS iN oUr WeBtAbULoUs WoRLd

BaCk To ThE sUpEr DuPeR aBoDe