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Formal Works
Some of the endnote links are dead, but if you scroll down the notes are still there.

BA - Providence College (1997-2001) Remember these are unrevised undergrad papers.
Lyotard's Postmodernism and Eccleciastes
Anabpatists and Anorectics: Concepts of Power in Asceticism


MDiv - Providence Theological Seminary (2002-2004)
Read Carefully but Do Not Understand: Isaiah 6:9-10 and the Ethics of Reading
A helpful study, but plagued with hopes for attaining a verifiable 'method'


PhD - McMaster Divinty College  (2005)
Sociology, Theology, and the Priesthood of All Readers
A Conceptual Analysis of Aesthetics
Rowan Williams's Grace and Necessity (Review)


Independent - (2006)
Gospel Truth in St. Paul, Dostoyevsky, and Zizek    (Some preliminary observations)