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i could be an accident but i'm still trying.

we accept the love we think we deserve.

&the girl

& my name is stephanie.
& i am fifteen years old.
& i am not a scene kid ; unlike most of the world today.
& i love photography.
& i hate swearing ; although i always seem to say one, once in a while.
& i am obsessed with music.
& i love rilo kiley.
& i live in roanoke, virginia.
& i love neon colors.
& like every other cool kid, i have a myspace account.
& i do not have a boyfriend.
& i think mi boyfriend is extremely nice.
& girls have a tendency to not like me.
& my best friend is a boy.

&the site

& i need a new domain. & i change my layout and context alot. & my website is still in progress of being made. & not because i am an i suck ; but because i like to make it look perfect. & free account. & extra million pointless pages. & i am html obsessed.

journal. - - pictures - le info. - music