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Paine College's
D I V I N E - M U S I C
Spr.'02 members: members' pages:

JAMETTA QUINN [of Pontiac, MI]
ADRIENNE MOORE [of Swainsboro, GA]
CARLOS CAHEE [of Lake Charles, LA]
LYNETTE JONES [of Augusta, GA]

Divine-Music Song Repetoire includes:
  • 'holy one' (K. Franklin)
  • 'constantly'(L. Barnes)
  • 'forever'(arranged by: d-m)
  • 'he'll never leave u'(arranged by: A. Moore)
  • 'my life is in your hands'(K. Franklin)
  • 'nobody but'(D. West)
  • 'glad u came around'(A. Moore, N. Thomas)
  • 'i'll say yes'(A. Moore)
  • 'your majesty'(public domain)

    Statement Of Purpose

    DIVINE MUSIC originally came together on a whim. In the Fall of 2001, most of the group, with the exception of Nathan and DeMarlo, were freshmen here at Paine College.

    Admitting that we are all sinners and have fallen short of God's divine authority and glory, have seen it as only right to lift up the name of the LORD at any given opportunity to minister HIS words to HIS broken people.

    Resolving to not only sing his word, but also study it, we believe ours to be greater reward than any recording contract or 'wordly' attention could garner us. His WORD being entirely infallible, as it was given to his elect in the days of yesterday, to put on paper what was said and done by the LORD our GOD.

    We pray that GOD continually holds up Carlos Cahee,Adrienne Moore, Lynette Jones, Jametta Quinn, DeMarlo West, Jonathan Davis and Marie Stucky. As well as their respective families. We are asking the Lord to cover us under his precious blood, as we go out as lambs amongst wolves to speak of the greatness of the LORD. Mainly thru his graciousness to give up his only son JESUS CHRIST to die on Calvary for us all. Thank you LORD!

  • NEXT REHEARSAL- 2 be Announced

  • S.A.N.E. Minitries, where the Dr. Mason Betha is the Pastor
  • The Bible-Online
  • S.I.M.
  • former [d-m] member nathan's page.
