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Diorella24's Ebid Questions & Answers Session

Firstly, hi and welcome from ebid! If you're in a rush to bid on an auction, click the back button now and you should return to ebid still logged in. If you have a bit of time to spare and a few questions, then read on...
So you were wondering a few things about me and my auctions. Hopefully, here I can address any concerns you have, or just plain curiosity. I find there's only so much you can say on an 'all about' page, and people always want to know more. Click on the links below to find out More All About Me.....

How can the prices be this low??

How do I know I won't get ripped off??

How do I know these things aren't 'fakes'??

Why ebid and not ebay??

Who is Diorella24??

Diorella24's Payment, Postage & Returns Info

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