
One song in each album is missing (except in We Love the City), though I'm not sure why... Well, they don't appear in the Hefner's official site.

Breaking God's Heart The Fidelity Wars Canciones Huérfanas Boxing Hefner We Love the City


Breaking God's Heart

The Sweetness Lies Within

There’s just a sea between us,
I know this hope will find us.
This serenade reminds us,
Be calm, be strong, be patient.
White skin and auburn hair that,
Just makes me stare and stare and,
You’re a friend that really cares and,
You have a healing quality that I see.
But the sweetness lies within you,
And I swear I won’t forget you.
When you’re tying back your hair,
You have the prettiest of necks.
All the angels broke my heart,
Yes they really had a knack,
Because I loved life so,
And they didn’t love me back.
But I swear it’s not your beauty,
It’s something inside,
It’s the grace that you hide,
It’s the sweetness that’s within.
Beware of spiteful eyes because,
They know not what they do.
Wear clothes that look good on you,
And boys will flock from all of Europe.
Treasure time that was spent with me and,
I will wait for eternity and,
I belong between the angels knees and,
Those filthy little angels never want to sleep with me again.

The Sad Witch

You wouldn’t believe in my new belle she flits and weaves a curious spell,
And under my skin there’s a place where she resides.
Finding a release in prayers and psalms I will obey her articulate commands,
She is just a coquette and how I wish I could forget.
Breathing new life in to the sad witch and she promised me three wishes and all I wish is she should remain here.
A poisonous saint with a brittle, crippled frame and she fooled me with her motherly gestures, my only guess is she’s misguided.
The sins, the sins the heavenly limbs that greet below the red, red lights,
Hold no sway with me now she’s my intended.
The jewels around her neck retain a curious sheen, god is in my heart and tearing at the seams,
Her atheist tracts are certainly persuading.
(and I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, if she floats or drowns, if she floats or drowns.)

A Hymn for the Postal Service

Sobriety breeds sincerity, and Lydia Pond she is my gravity.
I don’t know how she felt when she took that E,
But in the morning she shaking, she was twitching, she was jerking.
On June the 5th he moved to Paris, she could not stand the state of British politics,
And I just can’t convince her that I’m socialist,
And every night I pray for mail in the morning.
Sweet Lydia Pond is doing it for me,
And I want to sing a hymn for the postal service.
Sinful and proud since I stopped sleeping around,
I am so faithful now to Lydia’s handwriting,
That makes me guess the circumstances under which she wrote it,
Why she used the f-word when she never, ever spoke it,
She pasted on a passport photo of herself in pigtails,
And underneath she’d written did my touch make you less lonely.
Oh she promised me that we’d be creasing sheets,
And that our bodies would be bruising, wrestling underneath,
And I wanted to ask her how she cut her teeth,
And why she let time slip through her skinny, skinny fingers.

Love Will Destroy Us In the

It’s the children that I feel for,
Yes the children make me feel more,
More than the liqour, more than the art,
More than the Beach Boys records.
It’s the drink that gives us heartache,
It’s the charity we won’t take,
We feel so empty and our late twenties should be better times.
It’s the love and the truth and the hope and the faith,
That will destroy us in the end.
It’s the look in the eyes of those one night stands that gives us the will to pretend.
It’s the feeling of fucking the people that we’re loving that spurs us onto endless sleepless nights,
And love will destroy us in the end.
There’s not a thing that I can save from all those wasted, wasted days,
And theres no faith that will ever save me from being faithful,
And the damn phone never rings,
And I would give up everything,
For a little wine, some conversation
And just for being healthy.

The Librarian

He started to woo her in a most peculiar way,
The Librarian’s dress was a fawnish shade of grey,
The books he was to borrow he would surely never read,
They were of an intellectual calibre, he hoped that she would see.
He planned to take her home to bed some day,
He’d smooth her goosebumped skin whilst she lay,
But the unspoken truth they both knew,
Whilst he’d dream of her often she would forget in just ten minutes.
Her beauty has not truly been seen til her beauty’s been seen by his tired eyes,
Her tears have not truly been dried til her tears have been dried on his tattered shirt sleeves.
Her body has not truly been stripped til her clothes have been ripped by his nail bitten fingers,
Her beauty has not truly been seen til her beauty’s been seen by his tired eyes.
He was beginning to irritate so she made him go away,
The smallest cruellest insults she ignored his subtle ways.
The deftly silence let him know his efforts were in vain,
Did the thoughts ever exist and if so could he find them.
(and oh, oh the loneliest of nights, he will never hold her tight, he will never kiss her eyelids.)

God is on my Side

Make yourself pretty for your boyfriend, Cause his your boyfriend,
Your gorgeous boyfriend.
Hitch up your skirt for your boyfriend, Cause his your boyfriend and no-one elses,
No-ones got the tongue of my sweet girlfriend that moves so swiftly inside my mouth,
And no-ones got the legs of my sweet girlfriend that wrap around me and pull me to her,
It was God who told me to,
God who told me to.
Long nights, short skirts, high heels taunt my eyes,
But I'm alright since god is on my side,
My head falls below her soft white thighs,
But I'm alright since god is on my side.
And could she be the one, to fall for this dirty rotten farmers son,
Oh her ankle chain it teases, makes me feel like I am twenty one,
And my poor tired eyes could do with some rest,
Just place my weary hands upon her chest.

Love Inside the Studfarm

Girl, you’re a teaser, what an earth did I just do to deserve a thing like you,
And there’s love inside the studfarm tonight and while the horses buck and moan I’ve found a place in you called home.
You don’t know what you’ve done to me,
With that voice, with those eyes,
With that smile, with that smell.
Oh, tonight you’re going nowhere you are lying here with me,
Tonight you’re skin is warm enough to rid this chill in me,
So open up your eyes, open up your mouth,
Let me kiss your forehead now the night has fallen down.
(oh, I’ve said it fifty times, I’m happy to reside,
nesting by your side, I will sleep with you tonight.)


In five minutes I’ll be leaving this room,
she doesn’t listen but my word how I swoon when she talks,
but talk is never enough.
The dirty talk that’s what’s bothering me,
And the gawdy walls of this rented property,
I think I’m watching too much porn on T.V.
But I won’t go upstairs with her if she talks to me this way,
And I’m not lonely, I’m just bored,
Her clothes are strewn over the living room floor.
I don’t want to get laid I just want to be held.
She is unfaithful to a husband 5 miles away,
She lives alone and she rues her wedding day,
She married beneath herself that’s what her girlfriends say.
Her smile is sad but not the saddest I’ve ever seen,
The saddest smiles are in the dirty magazines,
She made me laugh and now she plans to make me scream.
And petticoat hems are rising to high,
Romance is dead I think I see the reason why,
I don’t want to get laid I just want to be held.


I bet your eyes aren’t really that blue, I think they’ve been airbrushed in by an artist who doesn’t care.
And I bet your hair isn’t really that blonde, but isn’t it the way we wanted it to be.
And I bet you don’t usually smile that much, especially with some one like me.
And I bet you really sweat, but none of this is what I want to say to you.
I don’t want to be dancing with the wallflower, I want you cause you’ve got painted toenails.
My tired arms ache just to hold you now.
I don’t believe that you are still a virgin, so what say we get a little closer.
Come with me I’ll take you on an airplane now,
And London from above at night will look like a billion lit candles,
And you face will glow red at the sunrise,
And god knows I really want to travel and god knows I really want to start anew, with you,
And god knows, god knows, god knows.

The Fidelity Wars

The Hymn for the Cigarettes

No-one called, no-one wrote, no-one even phoned,
So no-one knew that I was with her on my own.
She smoked on my bed cause she thought it would annoy me,
But I love to see the girls smoke in my bed.
I love to see the girls smoke in my bed.
I love to see the girls smoke in my bed.

How can she love me when she doesn't even love the cinema that I love.
What does she feel if she doesn't have the feeling that I have in my fingers.
This joy I have could lift this ceiling from its rafters but I'm not laughing.

We feel nothing, so we search for nothing, so we achieve nothing,love.

Lucky Strikes remind me of my friends out on the west coast,
Camel Lights remind me of my ex-girlfriend at Chistmas time,
Malboro Reds remind me of giving up in Berlin,
B&H remind me of not giving up but giving in.
B&H remind me of not giving up but giving in.
B&H remind me of not giving up but giving in.

How can she love me when she doesn't even love the cinema that I love.
What does she feel if she doesn't have the feeling that I have in my fingers.
This joy I have could lift this ceiling from its rafters but I'm not laughing.

We feel nothing, so we search for nothing, so we achieve nothing, love.


May God Protect Your Home

I'm tired of boys who fight with girls and stain their sheets,
And girls who tell stories of boys and graze their knees,
And where did you get to smell so sweet,
Is that sweetness for me,
And where did I find these eyes that I found,
They will surely let me down.

And your hair stops short of a line which starts at your neck,
And flows over your collar bone down to your breast,
Where my hand lies ever so gently.

And my hand starts to move down your stomach and in between those thighs,
To a soft warm place I call home and may god protect your home.

There's a lady who cries and builds a shrine for a miscarried child,
And a small boy who cries and cries and cries and cries and cries.
I see these sights with the sleepiest eyes and a heart so contentedly wise and tired,
And now I bathe in the light of the most beautiful angel this side of the sun.

The Hymn for the Alcohol

Don’t start me on the rum, Just because it makes me numb.
Start me on the whiskey I know whiskey is his drink.
You never drank it with me but now you drink it with him,
I’m not good enough for whiskey, not good enough for you.
Let’s start drinking wine, we used to all the time.
It used to go to our heads but then you went to his bed.
If the wine stains you lips red then tonight you might forget,
You might not go home to him you might stay here with me.
It is just wishful thinking that all this hard drinking might lure you back to my ramshackle stable,
There's no point in trying, the debutante was lying when she said that she did something that your lips could never do.
And if you know whats true then you know I love you.
Its six months since you left, you must be truly blessed,
Cause you look no less pretty, in fact you may be more so,
If you reap the seeds that you sow, Oh we both know you are going straight to Hell

I Took Her Love for Granted

Hope was propping me up when I met her,
As soon as I saw her I wanted to taste her lips,
So I did,
I was ecstatic for at least six weeks, oh,
Hope was placed in her hands when she caught me she asked me if it hurt,
I told her 'Christ it did.'
And it did,
When she left me every morning, oh,

I feel beautiful when she says I am beautiful,
But she is more beautiful.

I feel heavenly when she says I am heavenly,
But she is more heavenly.

Can't feel disappointed when her hips are that wide but I still feel lonely and screwed up inside,
And the taste of her tongue, it makes me wish I'd given up smoking,
She was a big, big girl she had big ideas,
Like how my heart should be free but I don't want it to be,
I want her, here beside me.

The Weight of the Stars

I took photos along the journey, a photo of a girl on the bus,
But the film wasn't wound on, the camera was broke so all of the pictures were lost.

There was a photo of her face, she looked about 23,
A photo of her grey flannel dress that was cut just below her knee.

The weight of the stars made the night fall down,
Her hair made the whole town swoon,
My heart was led by her pale skinny legs to the mattress in her room.

No matter what my friends say there's no rhyme or reason,
I know I did something wrong.
Oh she had the wit, she had the knack,
The night didn't seem too long.

The freckles upon her back, the grey hairs amongst the black,
The quiver in her lips when she spoke far too quick,
The lines upon her hands.

The weight of the stars made the night fall down,
Her hair made the whole town swoon,
My heart was led by her pale skinny legs to the mattress in her room.

No matter what my friends say there's no rhyme or reason,
I know I did something wrong.
Oh she had the wit, she had the knack,
The night didn't seem too long.
The weight of the stars made the night fall down,
Her hair made the whole town swoon,
My heart was led by her pale skinny legs to the mattress in her room.

No matter what my friends say there's no rhyme or reason,
I know I did something wrong.
Oh she had the wit, she had the knack,
The night didn't seem too long.

I Stole a Bride

And every Prince, who lives in Greece,
Will tear themselves to pieces for this beauty,
Born of a swan,
Jesus don't be long, let her body sweat above mine in the summertime.
And was it she who wrote 'Porn is Woman Hatred' on my overcoat,
Christ I need that coat, it really shouldn't be this cold in summertime

When she lies with me, will she pretend I'm pretty, will she forget I'm ugly,
oh I've lived a lie, I stole a pretty bride during the summertime.

Why, must she taunt me so, she still has his sent, she still wears the suitors clothes,
oh I've lived a lie, I stole a pretty bride during the summertime.

And when the swan coupled with the goose, they conceived a holy beauty and they let her loose,
And she caused a war, for ten long years,
By running off with me she caused her husband tears.
And those big clipper ships are heading straight for me and I haven't even kissed her properly.


We Were Meant to Be

I thought you said that you'd phone me this weekend,
Cause at the weekend the phonecalls are cheaper.
You left a note but I did not read it,
I threw it away.
I took a tube to the westend of London,
To see a friend who I'd almost forgotten,
He gave me hope that I still hadn't lost you,
I threw it away.

I thought that you belonged to me,
That we were meant to be.

I thought you said that every so often,
We had a love that was better unspoken,
But you, you fool, you fool, you lose.


Fat Kelly's Teeth

The spaces between all the towns,
Is where I lay my sweetheart down.
The spaces between her cruellest insults is where I stopped being faithful,
The gaps between Fat Kelly's Teeth,
Distract my eyes from her body,
And as she pulls me to the floor,
I don't feel that guilty,
My trousers are below my knees,
And her skirts above her waist.

But in the cold sober light she's not nearly so pretty,
But if I drink more gin her grace might return.
My sweetheart don't know,
And I sure won't tell her that fat Kelly's teeth have bitten chunks out of me,
And what was I thinking of when I went home with her,
She had sympathy, she had cigarettes,
Now they've all disappeared,
Between her teeth, between her teeth.

And I always forget, how quick the rot sets,
And now that the sun sets, I must go home,
I don't feel regretful, I don't feel ungrateful,
Even though I'm unfaithful I don't feel that bad.


Don't Flake Out on Me

Don't flake out on me, Oh you promised you'd write before Easter,
And now you damn well know that it's Autumn, and I missed you through those summer months.

Oh you promised yourself you'd stop drinking and I know it's none of my business,
But you were mighty and graceful when sober, but all that gin, but all that wine.

We will always talk this way,
Tired and slightly jaded,
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years,
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us.

We will always feel this way,
Faintly optimistic,
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose,
Oh the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken.

Don't wimp out on me,
Oh I know you've got the strength of 12 oxen,
I've seen you get through these things before,
Just like you've seen me get through these things before.

We will always talk this way,
Tired and slightly jaded,
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years,
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us.

We will always feel this way,
Faintly optimistic,
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose,
Oh the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken.

We will always feel dismayed, it will only ever be OK.
What's the point in getting laid? We're waiting for the better days.


I Love Only You

In the 1980's I was busy hating,
All of the intangible, the impossibly impractical ideas I'd never understand.

And in the 1990's, it was far too exciting for words,
And now I'm drinking adult drinks and now I have the time too think that sex is so overrated.

Who gave you the right to bruise my little heart,
You tore it right apart, I was saving it for art.
You knew just what to do, so who gave you the clue,
I love no-one else, I love only you.

We will capture all of London,
With disposable cameras,
These sights were here before we were born,
They'll be here when we're dead but they'll remember,
They're touched by out lives.

Oh we'll burn all their retinas,
With our patience and our tolerance,
Will kick and moan and spew and scream,
But we'll know exactly what we mean.

Oh who taught you the knack, was it skill or was it luck,
You pulled me into pieces and now I'm truly fucked.
Don't want to be alone, I'm useless on my own I love no-one else, I love only you


Canciones Huérfanas (Orphan Songs)

More Christian Girls

Now I believe the angels taunt my laughs and bless my sighs,
Oh god is my crutch and my need is such I want to smell all the sheets where she lies,
Her sermon is a burden and I cower and crave all the love she gives to others in spades,
She is wisdom, she is light, she is all that’s in between.
Christian girls should be kept pristine and totally devoid of pain, she won’t here my refrain.
Glorias freckles just titter and tease and they’re no bloody use to me.
Scribble to a note that is tacked to my door is a list of all the traits in men I abhore like looking at the hemlines of the young pretty ladies when they should be looking at their lips,
And no matter how hard I pray my bed still stays empty,
No matter how hard I pray my soul remains untouched.
It’s a shame that she feels this way, I want to kiss all her fingers today.

China Crisis

Its not the spiritual, its not the intellectual,
Its not the merely pitiful, that makes me feel this way.
Its not the walk that I take through the park to her place,
It’s the breath she takes inbetween the words her mouth makes.
Oh curse my mind for not ceasing my mouth when the moment was perfect.
She said 'Shut up, wake up, I can smell the coffee why can't you when its so near',
She said 'Hold it, embrace, it these feelings are so real but you just choose to ignore them.'
More like a sister to me, when she was 23,
She drew a picture of me, the likeness was uncanny.
We bless the notes in margins, in the books from the libraries,
They tell us what to feel, how to love and when to heal.
Oh curse my mind for not ceasing my mouth when the moment was perfect.
She said 'Shut up, wake up, I can smell the coffee why can't you when its so near',
She said 'Hold it, embrace, it these feelings are so real but you just choose to ignore them.'
She said 'Screw it, just leave it, the moment was perfect but it won't be for much longer.'

Normal Molly

She made me sweat, she mad me swoon.
Oh she put me off my food.
And when her boyfriend left the room,
She showed me her tattoo.
The girls wear rollnecks, the boys wear button-downs and they sit and they frown,
As she leads me to her room.
And now she’s taking her clothes off before me,
She has the skinniest elbows I’ve ever seen.
And once our bodies are warm we’ll be shaking our peaches we’ll be twisting til dawn,
We both know what we’re doing but we don’t care, but we don’t care.
And if she reads Daily Mail I will leave her,
And if she smokes too much pot I will leave her,
When she says she is skint I believe her,
And christ only knows how I need her.
The girls wear hipsters the boys wear jeans,
They don’t understand what I mean when I say she’s too good for me.

My Art College Days are Over

When I'm feeling sad, she is feeling nothing.
When she's on the land , I am underwater;
Swimming to the devil in the hope that the words that she stole from my mouth will be placed right back.
When I'm underfed, she is being gluttonous,
Eating all the cakes that I cooked with a passion.
I wish that her waste was the size that it was and the taste in her mouth was something like it used to be.
And the girl on the bus used the same soap as her and she stopped and she looked and I had to turn away,
Whilst we were getting laid,
I was happiest that way.
And the girl on the train used the same hairspray,
But she looked and I blushed and I had to turn away,
It's getting desperate these days,
Oh my art college days are over.
I always stay up late, and get up even later,
I wish I had the cash to start to redecorate,
The smoked stained walls and the wine stained carpets,
Like my food stained jumpers are reminders of incompetence.
Oh I should be ashamed of letting things go this way.

Wicker Girl

Sit down, shock is better taken with bent knees,
Shock is better taken with sugery tea,
What you said to me was rotten and nasty.
And if I can I’m going to build myself a wicker girl,
And fill it with used tissues,
When I burn it I will think of you.
This house is not a home now that your gone,
And your hearts no longer welcome in my bed.
Blessed is something you’ll always be,
Like catholic girls and Scottish malt whiskey,
What you do to me is no longer healthy.


Boxing Hefner

Christian Girls

Now I believe an angel crossed my path and realised,
That the hair on my head will be pass my chin when I’ve earnt this type of prize.
The scent that she brings makes me feel alright like the pleasure of sleeping safe tonight,
But I won’t sleep tight ‘til I know she’s been cleaned from her toes to the top of her head.
Christian Girls should be kept pristine and totally devoid of pain,
I can’t hold back the rain, the dirty, dirty rain.
Gloria’s freckles just titter and tease, but they’re no bloody use to me,
No bloody use to me.
Too much telly and too many books and so many films to keep me hooked,
But the idea of sex seems so bleeding stale when her heart is as big as a house.
And the red, red lips just keep reminding me of Sarah Brown,
And the cool, cool breeze makes me feel like settling down.
Christian Girls should be kept pristine and totally devoid of pain,
I can’t hold back the rain , the dirty, dirty rain.
Gloria’s freckles just titter and tease, but they’re no bloody use to me,
No bloody use to me.
It’s a shame that she feels this way, to my hearts dismay I want to kiss all her fingers.

Lee Remick

I think it was in ’83 my father left the family,
But came back three weeks later for a love both firm and stable.
I think it was in ’91 that Lee Remick died……
The sibling rivalry between my sister and me turned into the strongest branch of our family tree.
When I was young I dreamt of Lee Remick,
She had a ring upon each finger, she was smiling all the while.
Her hair was just long enough so it bounced upon her shoulders,
She said she always spoke the truth.
My Father let me down but I so easily forgave him,
And I know the home wrecker has a place within his heart.
I used to blame my mother for each and every failure,
And how Lee Remick’s eyes sparkled that brilliant blue.
He looked just like a Jonathon but he said his name was Ashley,
He was my best friend til he drank so much his heart sank.
And all my pretty friends who just grew up and failed
and what if I fail? What if I’ve failed already?
Those filthy little angels tugging at my heart saying
‘boredom is a sin, ambition should be everything’

Pull Yourself Together

You should pull up your socks girl,
You should be calling in the favours,
You should be putting the hours,
You should pull your self together.
There’s a limp to my walk,
I speak wisdom when I talk,
And I will ride you up to heaven,
If you pull yourself together.
And all you favourite authors,
That wrote all your favourite books,
Which had all your favourite words,
They do nothing for you now.
You should be lying on your back,
With a glow in your heart,
And I will ride you up to heaven,
If you pull yourself together

Blind Girl with Halo

The girl is blind and beautiful,
I’m honour bound and dutiful,
Her head is warm, her skin is cool and she’s got religion in a big way.
She says those hands are healing hands,
I bet she’s travelled many lands,
But I bet she’s never met a man who understands her quite the way that I do.
And how was I supposed to know that she’s the one betrothed,
To a catholic guy with stronger faith then I,
Just as I was on my knees with a golden ring between my teeth,
Her fingers said she’s someone elses bride.
Oh she’ll never see the beauty I can see,
Oh she’ll never see her own sweet bonny face.
A rejection note written in braille,
Hear my smoke filled larynx wail,
Cigarettes make me feel alone and her voice gives the lonely tone to my song.

Hello Kitten

Hello kitten I don’t miss sex just the feeling of skin against skin that I want,
The photos I take are not the photos I like, they look dull, they look crap when placed next to real life,
You have a blue iris with a hint of burnt of sienna and it wrestles my hate to the ground,
You have inquisitive eyebrows that make me soft centred and your lips make a purring sound.
I’m going to make myself go blind tonight,
I’m going to make myself go blind tonight,
I’m going to build a shrine to the wasted days,
I’m going to make myself go blind tonight.
Hello kitten, you’ll never know what it’s like to be me when I’m curled at your feet,
I thought you were perfect but that racist joke just made it all bitter sweet.
Won’t you slap me around and make my lips a bit swollen so we can spend a day off work,
Won’t you cut up my arm and lock it in a suitcase, cause love is coming in spurts, I’m so fucking happy it hurts.

Destroyed Cowboy Falls

And she’s dancing with me tonight, I am happy,
As I tread on her feet tonight, I am happy.
And the wicked spell of the alcohol has closed up my mind and opened my wounds,
But the glorious art of the prettiest girl that god ever made has healed them back up.
1500 men couldn’t build a monument to her beauty, to her nature,
20,000 men will slit their wrists over her and this destroyed cowboy has fallen for her.
And if her hand touched my face tonight then I’m blessed,
And if I had to decide between life without her and death, no contest.
And the wicked thoughts of my poisonous mind have been cured for tonight everything is alright,
And my heart is cocooned in a paper thin shell that she cradles in her arms.

A Hymn for the Coffee

Bless the coffee that passes between her lips,
‘cause the caffine gives the woman a nervous twitch.
When she crossed those big white thighs, what I saw could hardly have been intended.
And her skirted suit it implies to me,
She should not chastise so calously,
As the woman who shared my bed and wiped my brow for the past three years.
And my true love don’t drink her coffeee like her,
Don’t wear lipstick like her,
My true love, she is cursed.
And my true love don’t swing her hips like her,
Not got those sassy curls,
My true love, she is cursed.
Hope the morning coffee does the trick,
Hope it clears my mind makes the day more worth it,
Cause the devil in me and the deep blue sea are entwined as on since that girl winked at me.

Mary Lee

Mother is fucked up, Father is fucked up,
But they're not as fucked up as me.
This dear has trestles hanging to her ankles,
This dear's far wiser than me.
'What's that sound?', the sound of Mary Lees heart breaking,
She used to be my one and only true love,
'What's that sound?', the sound of Mars and Venus clashing,
everytime that girl hitches up her skirt,
She and me should drink more whiskey,
Oh Mary Lee forgive me I am tempted, I am tempted.
She and I should drink more wine,
Mary Lee all this time I've been thinking of drinking with another.
On line 22, of page 36 of the book she was reading contained both our names.
I took this to mean we were meant to be and I would be leaving my sweet Mary Lee.

The Hymn for all the Things We Didn't Do

Even if you feel it, even if its heartfelt,
Even if its true,
I don't want to hear those words from you.
I don't want to hear you say we're through.
The aperture was set all wrong,
On the only photo I have , with your hair long.
And now I feel I just can't go on.
I don't want to hear those words from you.
I don't want to hear you say we're through.
We didn't ache enough, spent our days not getting up and now I sing a hymn for all the things we didn't do,
We didn't work enough, avoided all the tricky stuff and kept our problems underneath the duvet with our hearts.
Sharing baths in winter time, taking drugs during the daytime,
Visiting the coastline,
I will sing a hymn for the things we didn't do.
I will sing a hymn for the things we didn't do.

The Science Fiction

Eating all the right food, taking all the right pills, turning on the TV,
Just trying to make the days a little shorter so the night comes quicker when I see you.

But the food doesn’t work, and the pills don’t work and the silence hurts,
Can’t make myself fitter for you no matter how I try.

And the science fiction helps just a little, numbs a little piece of me,
And the noise from the neighbours helps just a little,
Stops me from missing you.
And the stabbing in my heart it starts once too often,
why won’t you soften those blows?

Cause what you do to me stays with me,
Oh Honey I can’t wait till your with me,
I need your body underneath me, every single night.

All my soul record spin on the Hifi, make me feel like god is within me, but he’s not, it’s a lie, I am empty.

When you’re gone, it’s all wrong, need your hips in my hands,
Need your lips on my neck right now.

Twisting Mary’s Arm

Now that I’ve communicated everything I feel I think I’ll go,
You never really listened and I couldn’t have expected you to know,
And now I hate everybody and everybody hates me guess I should have known.
The truth is an objective, only the strong hearted people know.
Well the girl kissed me, cause she had rocks in her head.
She had petals in her shoes, and me within her arms.

And she sung many hymns, which I couldn’t understand.
She was breaking God’s heart, I was twisting Mary’s arm.

Now that I’m expecting everything I didn’t think would ever come,
My heart is big and swollen and my lips are torn and bruised from having fun.
There’s no light inside this damp and squalid temple that we call your heart.
We are the prettiest of sinners, we’ve the filthiest, the dirtiest of laughs.
She said I would fail, she said I would not succeed.

We Love the City

We Love The City

This is London, not Antartica, so why don't the tubes run all night,
You are my Girlfriend, not Molly Ringwald, so why won't you stay here tonight,
This is sixth form poetry not Keats or Yeats, and now we find the part that we both hate.

We love the city because it lets us down, We love the city NOT the suburbs that surround.
We love all the dirty things, that lead us to think, that maybe true love could be found.
We love the city because its how we live, We love the city cause it never loves us back.
We love it all because sometimes, even though they're hard to find, it contains all the virtues we lack.

I am intrigued, not merely curious as to why it takes so long to change your mind.
I am competent, not merely adequate, its impossible for me to be unkind.
This is embarrassing, not merely awkward and I have ignored much greater feelings

We can hold those aspirations down with bad luck and half hearted frowns,
But fear alone will never bring us down, that can only happen in the small towns,

And if you don't love me now, if you don't love me now, if you don't love me, then you can't have me, you can't have me now.


The Greedy Ugly People

I had her on the carpet twisting and squirming about,
Trying to guess what she needs,
Trying to guess what the fuss was about.

She had a conscience that surely did need pricking,
I was there for the picking as she would soon find out.

The Greedy Ugly People are not like us,
They don't feel the love that she and I would die without.

I had her on a chair in the middle of the living room,
And then we went to the bedroom, where we were making spoons.

When we went out she started clicking her heels,
She was sticking her chest out, cause she was starting to feel.

Love don't stop no wars, don't stop no cancer,
It stops my heart.


Good Fruit

If it doesn't mean a thing, then don't say anything.
But it means something, more then we can say.

But you kissed me so, even though,
Your heart said no, so when will you phone?

Lost feelings of love come flooding back,
Every time you cry, you give me little heart attacks.

Love seems strongest when its new,
But that's something I can't prove,
I can't prove that I love you.

Oh I need you here, so make your reasons clear,
Is it me you fear? Oh I fear I'm losing you.

It's time to choose, you know I can't stand losing.
It's my mind your bruising, as well as my heart.

You were just there, in the right place,
You smoothed out the wrinkles on my face.
You got to sort the good fruit from the bad fruit,
Darling, I'm not supposed to feel this,
Not when your leaving.

You, oh you should stick around,
To hear me hit the ground,
Its such a pretty sound.
If you felt it weeks ago,
Then where did those feelings go?
Oh surely you must know,
Cause I'm not supposed to feel this,
Not when you're leaving


Painting and Kissing

I'm in love with Linda, I think she understands me.
She's down in the dumps, she lives on Holloway Road,
I met her in the Wig and Gown, We couldn't talk with the music so loud
but I could tell she was intrigued,
She took me down to her basement, she showed me all of her paintings,
She sure couldn't paint, but she could kiss.

East London will never forgive, all my wrong doings but still it's the place where I live,
North London has a place in her heart, she's far too strong for me that's what I thought at the start,
I'm not that strong
After a week or two ,I thought our love was true,
She was my girlfriend, but I couldn't call her my girlfriend.

The first time that she came to my house, she bought Chardonnay, now I buy Chardonnay, almost every day.
And as her kissing got worse, oh her paintings improved, but what does that prove, it proves nothing.
On March the 23 rd she said something so absurd,
She said 'You love to be in love, but your never really in love.'
She said 'You love to be in love, but your never really in love.'

Every single day, I get down and pray, that she'll change her mind


Hold me Closer

I want a single bed, I want a simpler life,
But I want you by my side, I'm so confused.

I want you wishing something, that might come true,
Oh, I'm so confused, but I'm in love with you.

Hold me closer tonight,
Hold me closer tonight,
Say you will,
Hold me still,
Til the morning,
Til the morning.

You said you'd walk me down to the river side,
When I'm by your side, I'll walk miles and miles.

When we're old and grey, we won't talk this way,
We are stupid and dumb, but we're only young.

Hold me closer tonight,
Hold me closer tonight,
Say you will,
Hold me still,
Til the morning,
Til the morning.

I owe you my heart,
Do you understand?
I owe you my eyes and ears and hands.


Don't Go

Put on your underwear, pull your tights over your knees. Button up your blouse, zip up your skirt put on your tiny shoes we're going out i have never loved you more then I do right now, hold on.
It's much better then before when you talk I listen and we do it on the floor.
I have never loved you more then I do right now, hold on.

Don't go, don't change, just stay the same,
Don't leave don't try, don't ask me why.
I love you so much but the language lets me down,
Don't don't change, just stay.

Kick off those shoes, undo your blouse, drop your skirt, pull down those tights, Take off you under wear, lets got to bed, it's getting late.
I have never loved you more then i do right now. hold on.


The Greater London Radio

It's a red, red glow above the skyline,
Feel the city twitch,
Feel the city wake.

It's a black, black sky by 6pm,
Makes me feel inspired,
Makes me feel alone.

I'm coming home to you.

The Greater London Radio tonight,
Says no matter what I do I can't speed my love to you.
Traffic's caused a roadblock in my heart,
Hold on my sweetheart,
Hold on my sweetheart,

I'm going to mend my wicked ways,
Now I've lost my friends I have something to say.
The city has no faith if we've no faith in the city,
But this is my home, this is where I want to be.

And on the radio, it's the evening news,
But all I think of is you.
I used to think it was our politics not how we treat people,
That taught us who we are,
I was wrong.

I can't make it OK.


As Soon As You're Ready

I will polish your shoes,
I will bring you good news,
Put a smile on your face, tidy your place,
As soon as you're ready.

I will build you a ship,
Out of matchsticks,
And float it down the Thames, when we've made amends,
As soon as you're ready.

As soon as you're ready.
As soon as you're ready.
I will rattle you cage when you act your age
As soon as you're ready.

Baby clean up your paws,
We could both drink some more,
But to rush it too soon on a beautiful moon,
Would be a terrible waste.

As soon as you're ready.
As soon as you're ready.
I'll have you bang to rights, I'll have you up all night.
As soon as you're ready.


She Can't Sleep No More

She works every morning in the greasy cafeteria,
She makes little pastries and stuffs them with cheese.
The coffee burns her knuckles,
Every time she spills it.
She's alone, shes bereft.
When he moved to Hackney in 1990,
He bought in little trinkets but she turned him down.
She can't sleep no more,
She can't sleep no more,
Since he's gone.

She wrote clumsy poetry,
She let him read it.
He told her it was perfect,
But she scrunched her nose.
She can't sleep no more,
She can't sleep no more,
Since he's gone.

All the ambition that they'd been storing up was flushed down the lavatory,
She didn't love him but she knew he was what she needed.
He started wishing it, she started dreading it,
She burnt her party clothes.
Now there's nowhere to go since she burnt those party clothes.

She said she didn't need him,
He didn't believe it.
He moved to the country,
And started sleeping around.
She can't sleep no more,
She can't sleep no more,
Since he's gone.


The Cure For Evil

It took a little time, it took a little wine,
To make a window, to make you mine.
It took a little look, that made you shudder,
It took a little tear to draw you near
But all the while you knew your smile,
Would make it easy to fall in love.

It took a little word, a stupid something,
To make you hold me, to make you cling.
It took a little stroke, from my hand,
To make you kiss me, to understand.
But all the while you knew your smile,
Would make it easy to fall in love.

Will you want me if I grow boring?
Will you want me if I grow ill?
Will you want me when I grow colder?
Will you want me? Will you kiss me still?

There's far too many ideals fighting for the air time,
I was shameful back in '96 but I'm not so careless now.
And all those brutal discos that taught me how to pine.
I've no regrets for what I did but I regret I had the time.

Will you want me? Is it too late?
Will you want me? Don't hesitate.
I've been spiteful, you've been kind,
Will you want me in six weeks time?

When you're in the bathroom and when you've locked the door,
I am dirty in the bedroom, I've not felt this way before.
Don't let my hands go idle, when they feel this much for
you, Can't you tell this much is true when I hold you.

If I sometimes seemed ungrateful, If I doubted you sometimes,
If I called you by the wrong name, I was out of my tiny mind.
Cause you were the one with sexy shoes,
You frazzled my mind I forgot what I knew,
Oh you were the one, so consol me.


The Day That Thatcher Dies

We will laugh the day that Thatcher dies,
Even though we know it's not right,
We will dance and sing all night.

I was blind in 1979, by '82 I had clues,
By 1986 I was mad as hell.

The teachers at school, they took us for fools,
They never taught us what to do,
But Christ we were strong, we knew all along,
We taught ourselves the right from wrong.

And the punk rock kids, and the techno kids,
No, it's not their fault.
And the hip hop boys and heavy metal girls,
No, it's not their fault.

It was love, but Tories don't know what that means,
She was Michelle Cox from the lower stream,
She wore high-heeled shoes while the rest wore flat soles.

And the playground taught her how to be cruel,
I talked politics and she called me a fool,
She wrapped her ankle chain round my left wing heart.

Ding dong, the witch is dead, which old witch?
The wicked witch.
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.


Your Head to Your Toes

It's a beautiful road from your head to your toes, I will travel it with my fingers barely touching.
It's a sight to behold from your head to your toes,
I will worship it with kisses and cheap wine.

What do you want with me, now you've seen me at my worst?
What do you want with me, can't you see it's absurd?
I have nothing to offer but a small selfish heart.
But I love you from your head to your toes, I do.

It's a valley, so divine, at the base of your spine.
Sometimes I rest there and wish.
We've a nest here to build, we have memories to kill,
Let's waste sometime for a while.

What do you want with me, since you've seen I've been bad.
What do you want with me, can't you see it's so sad?
I have nothing to offer but a small selfish heart.
But I love you from your head to your toes, I do.