Robert Lotze(Guitar, Vocals)

The Facts

Robert Lotze is one of the best guitarists there are floating around on the South Coast. His intuitive style almost psychic bond with Adam are what make the band such an impressive live act.
So many times during a set they will do something strange that they didn't do at the last show, and you just know that they hadn't planned for it to happen, but it comes off anyway.

Robert is actually the unspoken hero of the band, writing almost all of the music, making his own style that has been labeled "Chunk Rock" by many people around the scene.
He is also an amazing vocalist, sharing the duties with Adam. They have similar voices making it very easy to listen to when they sing together.
So when you download the "Parasite" Mp3 and your computer speakers decide to go for a walk because of the vibrations, you have Robert Lotze to thank for it!
