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LittleSevn: baby LittleSevn: you read my mind LittleSevn: i tried calling, but hung up after 3 rings AmabilisPup: hey sorry my phone died and i have to do stuff for my portfolio anyway so i can talk to you on here without my mom knowing LittleSevn: ok:-) AmabilisPup: oh i picked up ...but oh well LittleSevn: oh sorry LittleSevn: didn't mean to sound like i hung up on you LittleSevn: but it worked out LittleSevn: what are you thinking LittleSevn: ? LittleSevn: what are you feeling LittleSevn: paige? LittleSevn: i need you to talk to me LittleSevn: we need to work this out LittleSevn: somethings wrong LittleSevn: some misunderstanding, some wrong signal LittleSevn: PAIGE! LittleSevn: why won't u talk to me!? LittleSevn: talllkkkk LittleSevn: help me AmabilisPup: why did you warn me LittleSevn: bc i wanted your attention AmabilisPup: WELL I AM TRYING TO GET A PORTFOLIO DONE A LOG BOOK FILLED OUT AND A BUNCH OF OTHER STUFF DONE AmabilisPup: CHILL OUT LittleSevn: why should i chill out AmabilisPup: gosh i am trying to do to many things at once i will talk when i can LittleSevn: i feel i'm losing the best thing in the world to me AmabilisPup: cuz i went to yg to see you when i could have been doing this LittleSevn: the only thing i want i'm losing AmabilisPup: the old mikey would have been understanding LittleSevn: i have been understanding all night LittleSevn: now i'm desperate LittleSevn: i will wait LittleSevn: but i just am so anxious to fix this LittleSevn: and to work this out AmabilisPup: no go ahead talk but don't be inpatient for me to talk LittleSevn: okay LittleSevn: its eating away at me LittleSevn: i feel like i'm about to throw up LittleSevn: i'm so upset AmabilisPup: no your not AmabilisPup: gosh LittleSevn: what LittleSevn: what is gosh about that LittleSevn: why don't you believe me LittleSevn: u never believe me LittleSevn: you never trust me LittleSevn: you don't even listen to the words i say LittleSevn: its like you don't even hear them LittleSevn: i guess the past means nothing to you LittleSevn: i guess saturday night meant nothing to you LittleSevn: i guess all my words mean nothing LittleSevn: bc otherwise you would know i love you LittleSevn: and care so deeply for you LittleSevn: all i want is to hear that you love me LittleSevn: and to be okay LittleSevn: to be great again LittleSevn: for this to be over LittleSevn: and us be fine LittleSevn: and to know things LittleSevn: to know that when i hold your hand you'll hold mine back LittleSevn: and you'll want to LittleSevn: and squeeze it tighter LittleSevn: i want to know when i say i love you, you'll away it back LittleSevn: i want that comfort LittleSevn: i want to know you're wanting me LittleSevn: and to know when i hold you you will want to hold me tighter LittleSevn: and closer LittleSevn: and when i look at you i want to see you smile bc you're so happy that i'm looking at you LittleSevn: bc i'm looking at you cuz i love you LittleSevn: i only look at you bc i only love you LittleSevn: i only kiss you bc i only love you LittleSevn: i only call you everyday bc i love yoou only LittleSevn: you're my best friend LittleSevn: you're so sweet and you are adorable LittleSevn: and you are loving LittleSevn: but since you got scared i didn't love you LittleSevn: you stopped loving LittleSevn: in fear i didn't really love you LittleSevn: and so its terrified me LittleSevn: to feel you so distant LittleSevn: i can't take it LittleSevn: i WANT you LittleSevn: i just want to be with you every moment of every day of my life LittleSevn: and feel like i did 3 days ago LittleSevn: and feel great LittleSevn: like life is perfect LittleSevn: bc it was LittleSevn: but you got scared LittleSevn: and thought i didn't love you anymore LittleSevn: and it scared me LittleSevn: so now both of us are scared LittleSevn: and not being ourselves LittleSevn: and i tried to be me tonight LittleSevn: and i tried to shrug it off LittleSevn: and pretend like i knew you loved me LittleSevn: and i just had hope when i held your hand you'd want to LittleSevn: but u didin't AmabilisPup: gosh LittleSevn: and i just hoped that you'd smile when i looked at you LittleSevn: and i just hoped you'd want to hold me LittleSevn: and want to kiss me LittleSevn: and want to be near me LittleSevn: and if you did, i would be fine LittleSevn: bc i'd know again LittleSevn: i'd trust that i knew you LittleSevn: and what your reactions would be LittleSevn: but you didn't do those things LittleSevn: so i'm even less confident LittleSevn: and if the reason is bc you don't think i love you LittleSevn: than i'm sorry LittleSevn: just like u aren't showing me like u usually do bc your scared LittleSevn: bc you're afraid i don't love you LittleSevn: so you're not being like u usually are LittleSevn: and in the same way LittleSevn: bc i'm scared you don't love me LittleSevn: i'm not being myself LittleSevn: so its a bad cycle LittleSevn: and i tried to break that cycle by being the best i could tonight LittleSevn: by being sweet and understanding LittleSevn: but when i tried to hold your hand you pulled away LittleSevn: and when i wanted to be near you you pulled away LittleSevn: and you would'nt even kiss me LittleSevn: and if i had died on the way home, i'm not sure you would have been as upset as you would have been if i died 3 days ago LittleSevn: you might not have cared as much LittleSevn: it might not have been so bad AmabilisPup: ahhhhhhhh AmabilisPup: stop it LittleSevn: and i don't want to lose you LittleSevn: ever LittleSevn: i want you so bad LittleSevn: you are the one LittleSevn: you are you are you are LittleSevn: i know you aare with all my heart LittleSevn: but i don't want a "break" LittleSevn: i don't want time apart LittleSevn: i don't want time to cool down LittleSevn: i don't want to have to miss you LittleSevn: i miss you when we're together LittleSevn: and its even worse when we're not together LittleSevn: and if we aren't going out LittleSevn: or if we're taking a break LittleSevn: i will miss you to death LittleSevn: and it will tear me to peices LittleSevn: like it always has LittleSevn: but worse LittleSevn: bc i've been deeeper with you LittleSevn: bc i love you more LittleSevn: than i did then LittleSevn: and it will hurt more to be apart LittleSevn: please don't do that LittleSevn: please don't go away AmabilisPup: mikeu LittleSevn: please don't take a break AmabilisPup: mikey******* LittleSevn: please don't stop loving me LittleSevn: you're all i've ever wanted LittleSevn: and now that i've had you i just want you more LittleSevn: and i feel pulled even stronger to you than ever LittleSevn: your force of gravity is ever stronger LittleSevn: and i can't let you go LittleSevn: i never want to LittleSevn: and if you tried to make me i cuoldn't LittleSevn: it would tear me in half LittleSevn: as you pushed me away and your gravity sucked me to you LittleSevn: it would destroy me LittleSevn: dont do it LittleSevn: don't tear me away LittleSevn: not for a short time LittleSevn: not ever not at all LittleSevn: baby i want you LittleSevn: i want to call you baby LittleSevn: and hear you say honey i love you LittleSevn: and for you to be obsessed with me LittleSevn: i want your love so bad LittleSevn: no one elses LittleSevn: i could never do the things i've done with you with anyone else LittleSevn: ever LittleSevn: i could never say i love you to someone else LittleSevn: i won't LittleSevn: ever LittleSevn: try me, LittleSevn: i told you i'd love you forever LittleSevn: and i will LittleSevn: at least until it kills me to hold on LittleSevn: if you don't love me LittleSevn: i will stand by you until you do again LittleSevn: i won't leave you LittleSevn: i can't LittleSevn: if you don't want me, i'll stand, and wait, and hope someday you do LittleSevn: i always have LittleSevn: i will again LittleSevn: "if i had to do it again i'd do it the same" LittleSevn: yeah, if i have to go through that again LittleSevn: i'll do it the same i did b4 LittleSevn: and you will know i love you LittleSevn: and by the past, you should know i love you from that LittleSevn: if you want to see other ppl, go ahead, but i'm waiting for you and you won't find another me LittleSevn: and when we get back together LittleSevn: you would feel terrible for doing stuff with other ppl LittleSevn: and then coming back to me LittleSevn: giving away a peice of you that you can never take back LittleSevn: but if you love me than just love me! LittleSevn: i need to be loved by you LittleSevn: i want to be loved by you LittleSevn: if i havn't shown you i love you LittleSevn: then i've let you down LittleSevn: and i've let myself down LittleSevn: and i'm a failure LittleSevn: and a disaster LittleSevn: and i hate myself LittleSevn: and i hate whatever i did wrong LittleSevn: and i hate myself for letting my parents upset me on monday LittleSevn: bc b4 that there was no problem LittleSevn: at least none you showed LittleSevn: and i pray there was none b4 that LittleSevn: i pray you weren't doubting me on sat. night LittleSevn: i pray you weren't doubting you feelings then LittleSevn: bc if you were than that would suck LittleSevn: i don't care if we never do anything sexual again until we're married LittleSevn: i like it LittleSevn: but if God's going to take you away from me for it than i'll stop LittleSevn: maybe thats why you don't think i love you LittleSevn: maybe God's making you feel that bc of the physical stuff we've done LittleSevn: i could deal with just kissing you and holding you and cuddling until we get marreid LittleSevn: though i wish i could do all the stuff we've done right now LittleSevn: all over again LittleSevn: in an instand LittleSevn: instant** LittleSevn: but if i'm giong to lose you for what we've done LittleSevn: forget it, i'll wait till we're married LittleSevn: im sorry LittleSevn: and i pray God forgives me LittleSevn: and if that's not that problem LittleSevn: i pray you read this right now and tell me i'm wrong LittleSevn: and if you don't tell me that's not it LittleSevn: then we're not doing anything beyond kissing until we get married LittleSevn: bc i will not risk EVERYTHING for a taste of what is to come LittleSevn: i love all we've done LittleSevn: and i wish we could do it right now LittleSevn: but if its wrong and thats why we're having this problem, then i hope God forgives me LittleSevn: and lets us get married soon LittleSevn: paige i love you so much' LittleSevn: i adore you with everything in me LittleSevn: with every cell in my body LittleSevn: it longs for you LittleSevn: and wants to attach itself to you LittleSevn: and wants to be near you LittleSevn: my home... LittleSevn: my longing... LittleSevn: i want to be where you are... LittleSevn: forever LittleSevn: don't push me away LittleSevn: don't tell me to go LittleSevn: bc i won't LittleSevn: i can't LittleSevn: i never will LittleSevn: God pulls me to you LittleSevn: but i need you to believe me LittleSevn: please LittleSevn: for the life of me, believe me LittleSevn: believe every word LittleSevn: everything i say LittleSevn: believe it LittleSevn: beleive every feeling i tell you LittleSevn: and show you LittleSevn: please LittleSevn: i need you to LittleSevn: i swear to God and on everthing in the world, on my future, on my life, on my families life, on your life LittleSevn: i will only tell you the truth LittleSevn: ask me anything i'll tell you the truth LittleSevn: if you would hate me for it i would tell you the truth LittleSevn: so be it that God would strike me dead if i lied LittleSevn: if you asked and i answered falsely LittleSevn: the closest i ever get tto lying to you LittleSevn: is when i exaggerate a story or something like that LittleSevn: exaggeration is the closest to lying i get with you LittleSevn: and i don't exaggerate my feelings for you LittleSevn: or my love for you LittleSevn: "don't go away, say what you say, say that you'll stay forever and a day, in the time of my life, cuz i need more time, i need more time just to make this right" LittleSevn: A cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say About the things caught in my mind As the day was dawning my plane flew away With all the things caught in my mind And I wanna be there when you're... Coming down And I wanna be there when you Hit the ground LittleSevn: Damn my education I can't find the words to say About the things caught in my mind LittleSevn: baby LittleSevn: i love you LittleSevn: i want you LittleSevn: please love me LittleSevn: please LittleSevn: don't leave me! LittleSevn: please don't ever LittleSevn: i would give the world for you LittleSevn: i would do anything for you LittleSevn: if you want more than me LittleSevn: if you wnat better LittleSevn: i'll give you time to go find it, though it would tear me to peices LittleSevn: and i would hope you'd come back to me LittleSevn: i know you would LittleSevn: i know God would bring you to me LittleSevn: bc we're best for each other LittleSevn: we're perfect for each other LittleSevn: we're meant to be together LittleSevn: God made us that way LittleSevn: like milk and cookies LittleSevn: lol LittleSevn: can't have one without the other LittleSevn: its just not right for them not to go together LittleSevn: lol LittleSevn: i need you! LittleSevn: help me LittleSevn: love me LittleSevn: hold me LittleSevn: touch me LittleSevn: save me LittleSevn: want me LittleSevn: cuddle me LittleSevn: adore me LittleSevn: i want you to sooo bad LittleSevn: and i'm so scared you don't anymore LittleSevn: and its killing me LittleSevn: to think of you with anyone else LittleSevn: wouldn't it hurt you if i were with someone else LittleSevn: wouldn't it hurt you if i wrote songs about someone else LittleSevn: it would kill me LittleSevn: i couldn't do it LittleSevn: i never will LittleSevn: i won't LittleSevn: i refuse LittleSevn: only you, about you, with you LittleSevn: "forever is ours?" LittleSevn: didn't my letter mean anything to you? LittleSevn: i poured my love out into it LittleSevn: paige! LittleSevn: why can't you understand i love you LittleSevn: why can't you beleive me LittleSevn: what did i do to lose your trust LittleSevn: you mistake my words as lies LittleSevn: and you call me a liar LittleSevn: i'm real LittleSevn: i'm not a good dream thats bound to end LittleSevn: this is your life LittleSevn: that i would love you AmabilisPup: shhhhhhh LittleSevn: from the beginning of time it was predestined LittleSevn: that i would love you and care for you and need you LittleSevn: and you'd complete me LittleSevn: and be the only one to make me happy LittleSevn: maybe its not the life you would have chosen LittleSevn: but its greater than anything i could have ever dreamed of LittleSevn: i'm so proud to have the opportunity to even miss you LittleSevn: to have loved you and get to miss you like i do LittleSevn: or to feel the pain of being away from you LittleSevn: and longing to hear your voice LittleSevn: these things hurt LittleSevn: but its my privledge LittleSevn: bc without you loving me LittleSevn: and without my love for you LittleSevn: and Gods divine order of this LittleSevn: i wouldn't have these feelings LittleSevn: so through the pain and suffering and missing you LittleSevn: i'm reminded of how much i love you LittleSevn: and want you LittleSevn: and in a sense need you LittleSevn: though i really only need God LittleSevn: i believe he made me to need you LittleSevn: that His glory is shown through you LittleSevn: and his love LittleSevn: and His care for me LittleSevn: through giving me you LittleSevn: and blessing me wiht you LittleSevn: i can only remember myself as "me when i'm loved by you" LittleSevn: and when i am scared that i'm not LittleSevn: and for the first time in so long i doubt it LittleSevn: i don't even know who i am beyond that LittleSevn: beyond the me thats loved by you LittleSevn: who i am when i'm not loved by you LittleSevn: and if this is who i am when i'm not loved by you LittleSevn: i hate it LittleSevn: and i never want to be that person LittleSevn: i never want to be mike not loved by paige LittleSevn: bc he sucks! LittleSevn: i'm only me bc you love me LittleSevn: and bc Gods love is poured out into my heart through you LittleSevn: and you give me happiness LittleSevn: and you're the reason i'm patient LittleSevn: and devoted LittleSevn: your love is what i strive for LittleSevn: and is what i hope for LittleSevn: and what i long for LittleSevn: and what fills me up when i'm run down LittleSevn: and what lifts my head LittleSevn: and gives me wings LittleSevn: and puts the wind in my sails LittleSevn: and gives me hope to chase after my music dream LittleSevn: its your love LittleSevn: thats the me you know LittleSevn: is me loved by you LittleSevn: you motivate me to be my best LittleSevn: your love encourages me to love more LittleSevn: and to be better LittleSevn: "can you help me, tell me what you want from me, can you help me" LittleSevn: "The storm is bad tonight, So how could I awake without you here? Your picture's on the wall, You haven't called But I'll wait for you" LittleSevn: can you talk to me yet? LittleSevn: i love you LittleSevn: want you LittleSevn: in a way i need you LittleSevn: you're meant for me LittleSevn: i'm meant for you LittleSevn: we're ours LittleSevn: baby LittleSevn: i'm praying these words reach y ou LittleSevn: that you somehow understand LittleSevn: That you can somehow believe me LittleSevn: and look me in the eyes and tell me you feel perfect LittleSevn: and life is perfect LittleSevn: and you love me still LittleSevn: and you know with all you're heart i'm crazy about you LittleSevn: and love you to death LittleSevn: honey i do LittleSevn: i do i do LittleSevn: i will marry you LittleSevn: just don't leave me here for now LittleSevn: don't leave me hanging now LittleSevn: don't let me sleep tonight still wondering if it willbe okay AmabilisPup: mikey oh my gosh calm down its okay LittleSevn: i'm terrified AmabilisPup: why LittleSevn: i havn't felt so close to losing you for waht seems like ever AmabilisPup: well... LittleSevn: and i beg God you know i love you LittleSevn: somehow help me LittleSevn: well..? LittleSevn: i hate this feeling LittleSevn: i hate not knowing anything but the end LittleSevn: and being afraid of time wasted in between LittleSevn: i'd trade anything to know right now and for you to know the end like i do LittleSevn: baby LittleSevn: believe me LittleSevn: please love me LittleSevn: please LittleSevn: and believe the words i say LittleSevn: just trust me now forever LittleSevn: believe me LittleSevn: my heart hasn't changed LittleSevn: other than the weight on it LittleSevn: as it sinks and i'm so scared LittleSevn: never thought u'd not know i love you LittleSevn: its always been me scared u don't love me LittleSevn: but i do love you LittleSevn: don't doubt it LittleSevn: please believe me LittleSevn: palease! LittleSevn: i pray this isn't my fault LittleSevn: or our fault from our fun fun stuff LittleSevn: :-( LittleSevn: i love that stuff LittleSevn: i don't want it to end LittleSevn: but i don't want to lose you mroe LittleSevn: more* LittleSevn: nothing is worth losing you LittleSevn: :-( LittleSevn: honey LittleSevn: :'( LittleSevn: "missing you don't wanna let this go, wishing you would tell me that you know, so much room but i can barely move, i just want to be close to you" LittleSevn: :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-( LittleSevn: i love you LittleSevn: i love you more LittleSevn: ... LittleSevn: i don't know what i did wrong LittleSevn: what i didn't show LittleSevn: but i want to be me LittleSevn: the me loved by you LittleSevn: whatever i did wrong the past 3 days LittleSevn: i'm sorry LittleSevn: whatever i lacked to show, i didn't mean to LittleSevn: i still felt the same LittleSevn: just grew scared LittleSevn: but i want you to love me LittleSevn: and then i will be back to myself again LittleSevn: baby LittleSevn: my moms making me go upstairs LittleSevn: :-( LittleSevn: i'm sorry LittleSevn: paigeee LittleSevn: i have to get off LittleSevn: :-( LittleSevn: talk to me LittleSevn: tell me something LittleSevn: say something AmabilisPup: NOO DON'T GET OFF PLEASE HONEY PLEASE AmabilisPup: I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU LittleSevn: then talk, bc i only have short time LittleSevn: until my mom yells at me again AmabilisPup: mikey i don't want you to go i will be left alone down here doing this just wait till i go upstairs then i will call you okay LittleSevn: okay LittleSevn: i will stay until she shoots me LittleSevn: then i will have to go:-) LittleSevn: do u want to say anything now? AmabilisPup: ummm i didn't really keep up with all that so you will have to summarize it on the phone AmabilisPup: sorry honey i tried AmabilisPup: but i read what i could LittleSevn: ok LittleSevn: aww LittleSevn: honey:-) LittleSevn: "sorry honey but i tried" LittleSevn: :-) AmabilisPup: haha right like you care LittleSevn: will u please go back and read all i wrote to u LittleSevn: bc u definately missed it:-( LittleSevn: :'( LittleSevn: gosh LittleSevn: i'm burning inside AmabilisPup: why AmabilisPup: mikey i can't i xed out of it already this is a new screen AmabilisPup: sorry honey AmabilisPup: its okay i got the jist of it i skimmed it all over but i just didn't get time to think about it AmabilisPup: which is okay AmabilisPup: at least i know what you said LittleSevn wants to send file C:\My Documents\paige.htm. AmabilisPup declined request; the file will not be sent. LittleSevn: why'd u decline AmabilisPup: ? AmabilisPup: i didn't get it AmabilisPup: what are you doing LittleSevn: just press accept LittleSevn: i'm sending u the convo LittleSevn wants to send file C:\My Documents\paige.htm. AmabilisPup cancels request; the file will not be sent. LittleSevn: ? AmabilisPup: that will take way to long AmabilisPup: it didn't even start yet AmabilisPup: how do you spell portfolio? AmabilisPup: is there an a AmabilisPup: portafolio? LittleSevn: no LittleSevn: lol AmabilisPup: kk i was really confused my brother told me there was i was like hmmm right LittleSevn: lol