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Mopery. By Danny Reid, Eric Sprinkle, Jacob Anderson, and anyone else who wants to help.

Q & A

Q. What is Mopery?
Mopery is my second attempt at a comic. My first attempt, Clergy, is also available on this site. It is just a running string of gags about my friends and myself. There's no point to any of it.

Q. Why is it made in Paintbrush?
Because that's the only illustrating profram I know how to use. Yeah, I know the comics look like crap. But it's not how they look, it's how funny they are.

Q. Is that what you tell yourself at night?
That and I always do a couple Gregorian chants. Chanting is fun.

Q. What happened to Clergy?
I worked on Clergy on and off for three years (I've still got about a dozen strips that I've drawn but not put in the computer). I looked at most web artist's complaints about strips, namely the ugliness, the lack of plot, humor, or any sort of redeeming themes, and then I created Clergy. After a while, it just stopped being fun to do, so I said, "Screw it!" and started working on Mopery.

Q. Any chance there will be more Clergy?

Q. How long does it take to do strips?
Originally, it took about two to three hours. I've streamlined it down to one. It's not hard to do with my (crappy) drawing style.

Q. Can I be in your strip?

Q. Seriously?

Q. Who works on this?
Everything you see so far on this site is pretty much Danny's work. Eric inspired him to get off his ass and a couple of strips, and Jacob is always around for support. I, Danny, live in Missouri at the moment, so I think (hope) collaboration will go up when I head back to Illinois in May.

Q. Who are all these people?
All these people are my friends, a collection of freaks and geeks from Bloomington and Normal Illinois.

Q. Will there be long complicated plots?
Probably not, and there are, they will range from 3-6 strips. This is more a character based strip than anything, and it's meant for humor purposes, so unless I get a whacking from the creativity stick, I won't go out of the way for dramatic plots.

Q. Can I link here?
Would you? Could you? All the linking buttons are here. I'll put up some nice code for easy linking later.

Nyar Banner Danny Banner Jacob Banner
Simple Banner

Q. Have you done anything else?
Actually I, Danny AKA Darth Kirby, did write MST4k, or Mystery School Theater 4000, for a couple of years. It was a semi-acclaimed MiSTing series, based on a combination of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and my high school friends. I've moved on and now I'm onto this.

Mystery School Theater 4000, Danny's Fanfic Series o' Fun!

Q. I have another question! Or something dirty to say!
Well, write me and make sure 'Mopery' is in the title.



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