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Cat Presley

Hi, my name is Cat Presley. I am a guitarist and have played in several bands most noteably "The Attic" and "Carbtrash".

The Attic now have a site giving details of the many transformations the band has been through. The band split over monetary (Tim only if we're playing for money though Robson) and musical differences (Cat I'm not playing this Empty Lanes rubbish Presley), two members Steve and Tim formed an acoustic combo playing 'country blues' music, they are called The New Ponies, but are more affectionately known as the Hillbilly Bugger Boys

Presley and a few mates now have motorcycles and are affectionately known as the 'Lost Souls'. Catch up with their escapades in 'Bike Tales' below

Lost Souls bike trips (not to be missed) Click here

Davina McCall interviews Presley

Yes, click here to find out more.> Click here
