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Carolina Girls

Jenni   Fantasy   Manda   



This site is dedicated to the "Carolina Girls"...a branch of the "Ya-yas" from AZ. 

The idea came from Tina "Lola" Kunkel. She started a club w/ her friends in Peoria, Arizona.  They are all part of the "Ya-Ya Sisterhood", each with their own nicknames.  They have Sisterhood days and lots of fun.

Fantasy and I (Jenni) heard a bunch of stories from Tina and thought it would be cute to start our own branch here in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  

Like the original girls, out group only has 3 members (for now): Jenni, Fantasy, and Manda.  No nicknames as of now...but they are soon to come....

To the left is a list of links to help keep us organized...being as busy as we all are, it can be hard to keep in touch......

If you are currently a Carolina Girl....then bookmark this site so we can all keep up to date.....and if your not, check it out anyway and drop us a line.....we would be glad to hear what you think.

This is us...well most of us...cartoon-ized!!! Don't we look Fabulous???








Hit Counter

Our Current Activities


Pics of US

Pics of our Friends.


Mini Scrapbook of the Ya-ya Sisterhood in AZ
