
by: bg

AJ – June 15, 1997; 4:26pm

“Damn, I look good,” AJ said, bouncing into the room and noticing himself on the screen. “Don’t I look good, Brian?”

Brian knew that AJ knew how good he looked so he didn’t bother responding.

Nick nodded in agreement, but sighed. “I look like a dork.”

“Nah, man. If I were into boys,” Nick heard Brian snort behind him, “If I were into blond boys,” AJ clarified, “I’d totally do you.”

Nick blushed and laughed, unbelieving.

“Seriously. You’re looking damn fine yourself. Chill, man.”

When he was alone in the room again, Nick rewound the video and started it over.

Kevin – June 15, 1997; 5:57pm

“Not this again,” Kevin sighed, seeing Nick sprawled out on the couch.

“I’m just trying to figure it out, man.”

“Figure what out?”

“You, AJ, Brian, Howie. You all look good. I look like a dork.”

“You do not look like a dork. At least, no more than the rest of us.”


“But, nothing. We look like we’re starring in a softcore porn video. Trust me, in five years, you’re going to be happy you’re wearing that shirt.”

“Right, Dad,” Nick replied.

“I’m serious,” Kevin said, walking out of the room.

“You always are,” Nick muttered and hit rewind.

Brian – June 15, 1997; 6:32pm

“I’ll bet you have everyone else’s choreography memorized by now, huh?” Brian asked, strolling back into the room and settling next to Nick.

“That’s partly the idea.”

“Lookin’ for pointers? Trust me, bro. You don’t need ‘em. The girls love you more than enough already.”

“Whatever,” Nick mumbled, trying to casually glance at the television for his favourite part of the video, but blushed when Brian gave him a knowing look.

“Or, maybe you’re looking for something else?” he said, and wrapped a comforting arm around Nick’s shoulder, letting Nick duck his blushing face into the crook of his neck.

Howie – June 16, 1997; 2:05am

“Whatcha watching?” Howie asked, bending over the back of the sofa and resting his chin on Nick’s shoulder.

Howie could feel the heat of Nick’s blush against his own cheek.

“Again? Aren’t you totally embarrassed watching that? We’re prancing. In the rain.”

“Why don’t I look like that?” Nick asked, pointing to his relatively shirtless bandmates on the screen.

“Because you’re seventeen. And, besides, I look ridiculous,” Howie said, ruffling Nick’s hair as he walked out of the room.

Nick hit the remote and looked at Howie, paused on the screen. “No. You don’t,” he whispered to the empty room.

Nick – February 6, 2001; 10:49pm

“You know,” Howie said, climbing onto the bus, “That was a pretty stellar impression of my ‘Quit Playing Games’ choreography. God, that video’s embarrassing. And you used to watch it constantly.”

“I know. You’ve told me a million times, you hated writhing half-naked in the rain. I get it. But, when you’re seventeen and infatuated with someone in the video, that’s kinda the basis of its appeal,” Nick said, looking at Howie and lacing their fingers together.

“Infatu--. Huh.”



“Yeah. Though, I kinda love you by now.”


“Yeah,” Nick said, smiling when Howie’s hand squeezed his.

erilyn and I had this conversation over in her LJ.

And, I would just like to say: I have no willpower. None. That is all.

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all stories (c) bg (bachelor_girl)
it's all fiction. no harm or libel intended. no ownership implied.
