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Old news (norwegian)

31.01.02: The best news ever: Steinar read in the newspaper today that we will get 20 000 NOK in tour-support from Norsk Kulturråd. Now all we have to do is work harder than before.

29.12.01: Download our new song "slow motion".

21.11.01: Live at Haugesund CD-R is now available for NOK 50. Give us a mail. Check out, they have written an article on The Quest Quartet.

15.11.01: We have been asked to play some songs at Fjell Kulturhus Friday 30 of November. The band is looking foreward to playing back home again, Sotra here we come!

24.10.01: The recording of our second album has started, and it seems like it's going to be more beautifull, complex and interesting than anything we've ever done before. We are very happy with how the songs are turning out so far. Yesterday we also had a photo session with photographer Hild F. here in Bergen, and hopefully you'll see some of the pictures at this site soon.

19.10.01: Trondheim was beautiful! We had a very nice stay and gig in Trondheim 17.10.01 - 18.10.01. UKA festival is amazing, and all the people who work and party at Samfundet are very nice. The gig went good also. Many thanks goes to Kristin (bra jobba!) and Inger Kristin (hyggelig å treffes igjen). Let's hope The Quest Quartet will return to Trondheim very soon.

15.10.01: The gig at Café Stjernesalen (Det Akademiske Kvarter, Feber-festivalen) was one of our best conserts ever! The setting was good, and the songs are really starting to come alive when we play. Good response from the audience too. It's gigs like these that makes us smile for days.

02.10.01: The gig at So What! in Oslo was good. Whopper were nice folks, and it was cool to play at So What!

26.09.01: Tomorrow we are off to Oslo for the second time this autumn! The band is really looking foreward to the trip, and it's going to be cool to support Whopper at So What! The trip begins tomorrow morning at 06:30.

19.09.01: Gig at the Feber festival at Det Akademiske Kvarter is confirmed. The Quest Quartet will play in Stjernesalen 13.10.01 just before Mercury Rev plays downstairs! This gig will probably be very good, since it's our first proper café gig.

28.08.01: It is now confirmed that we will play a support gig for Whopper at So What! in Oslo thursday 27.09.01. We will also play at UKA in Trondheim wednesday 17.10.01. The whole band is really looking foreward to play a lot in the comming months.

22.08.01: The gig in Haugesund at Høvleriet during the Safe as milk festival was very good. We played On the same night as Lasse Marhaug and Arm, on the Saturday 28.07.01. The response was so good that we were smiling for days! Also the gig at Blå in Oslo (Safe as milk-gig too) 12.08.01 was nice. The response was very good this time also, and playing the same night as contemporary composers Andreas Meland (computer cut-up music), Nils Økland (Harding fiddle)and Ole Henrik Mohn (Harding fiddle) was an honour for us. Andreas played two remixes of our song Even out the curves. We loved them both. All the people at Safe as milk, especially Kristian and Andreas, are incredibly nice people doing important things for the Norwegian underground scene. It looks like we are going to play at Uka in Trondhem sometime between 11-14 of october. Cool!

03.07.01: We are doing all we can to promote ourselves so that we can play a lot this autumn. It takes a lot of hard work and many phonecalls every day. Playing gigs are the main focus for us now. People are starting to get interested in our music, and I hope we will play many gigs in the comming months. Musically we are also getting more and more focused. We know now that it is not a smart move to play all sort of styles. It is more fun to do what we do best. The songs we are playing now are melodic, slow and beautiful, but also with some nasty guitars!

10.05.01: We are looking foreward to play at the Safe as Milk-festival in Haugesund 28.07.01. The quest quartet will share the bill with Jazzkammer, Ring, Lasse Marhaug among others. In the first week of august we will probably also play a gig at Blå in Oslo. This is a gig booked by Andreas Meland from Safe as Milk, sort of a party after the festival. I am currently trying to book us some dates this autumn in Stavanger, Kristiansand, Bø, Oslo, Bergen and Haugesund.

25:03.01: Home received very good reviws in the local newspapers here in Bergen. It seems like our new musical direction is the right way to go. Benjamin is busy right now with the release of the new Clow-single. Check out if you are into nu-metal. The quest quartet will have a new gig at Club Fantoft 18.04.01.

05.02.01: The album was sent to print last Friday. Now we must focus on the cover (GO! GO! Steinar!) and our gigs. The last week has been a marathon. Never before has so much been done by so few in such a short time!

31.01.01: Releaseparty at Garage on the 16 of march confirmed. Let's pray that the album gets there in time.

30.01.01: We have now spent 3 days both recording and mixing at Nightcap Productions. Hopefully we will do the last mixing and stuff tomorrow, and send the album to print.

25.01.01: The band is currently recording the debut album at rehearsals and in our apartments. This week-end we will do aditional sound work at Nightcap Productions. Hopefully the album will include 11 or 12 songs (4 without vocals).

18.01.01: We have decided (we hope) that we will release our debut album in march. Edition of 200, 12" vinyl. Maybe release at Garage 16 march.

12.01.01: Quest will play at Club Fantoft wednesday 14.02.01. For students only.

11.01.01: The festival Safe as milk in Haugesund has contacted us. We will most likely play there in the end of july (26-28). The set will probably be more far-out than usual and include some Vehiculos de ocasion-songs. We are currently in contact with the Sjonstock-festival and Mai-rocken, hoping for gigs. We will also most likely play at Club Fantoft and Garage in Bergen in the very near future.

03.01.01: Created this homepage.