Welcome to Rehab, fellow Ezralites!

Why don't you check in, take a seat, and relax? This won't hurt a bit, I promise...

< We all want the same thing, Sugah! And that thing is Ezra. If you find yourself with headaches, nausea, or shaking when you don't get your Ezra Fill, you've come to the right place! Take a number and wait your turn >

-- 01.02.102 --
[ closer than you think...]

wow..well, I can't say I've kept my promise to update this place..*dusts away cobwebs* but my new year's resolution is to spend more time on this place, and get some closer stuff. I swear I'll keep it..*grins* happy new year.
Slightly outdated info is awaiting your presence at the bulletin board Riot!! There is finally abte bio! Actually, there are a few up there..go and check it out!

Announcements: See that great piece of artwork up there? Yeah? Well, I sadly can't take credit for that. That there is Ms. Candace's contribution to Rehab. I can't thank her enough. But, I have one suggestion for y'all...go to her site and sign her Guestbook! Tell her how much nicer it makes this place look..Candace, you are one money babe.

Now, onto regularly scheduled programming:Well, I promised more bands at R3wind and I fulfilled my promise. Wanna contribute? All you gotta to do is give me a little electronic compensation, complete with name [of band], picture, short blurb, official site and a few others [optional]. In no time they'll be up with The Greats in R3wind

Are you looking for a copy of Surprise? Don't go to EBay! Click here instead.

And make sure to take a look-see at the Bulletin Board for all the Ezra news thats fit to be printed [typed].... And as always, check out the O F F I C I A L P A G E for a cooler-looking, better put together site , complete with much more updated info--

guster is for l©vers # »

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They made me put that thing up, I swear...

EzrAddiction and all it's componants was first devised on the very last Saturday in May, 2000...