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to Muthaland LJ Icons. Here, you see icons. Lookit all the pretty icons. I made these! Say "Good job, Jinny." I'm attempting to put these in some kind of order.. y'know, so you don't have to slog through dozens of icons you don't want to try and get to the one you might actually consider using. Hopefully my crappy computer skills will allow me to do this anyway. Take whatever you want, that's what they are here for. If you want to credit me, that would be lovely, (if you do, just credit me as "moon_monster") but I'm not going to be a monster about it if you don't. Well you sure aren't here to listen to me talk, so, on with the icons..

Anime Icons
Gorillaz Icons
CKy / H.I.M Icons
J-Rock Icons
Nightmare Before Christmas Icons
Studio Estrigious Icons
Donnie Darko Icons
Explodingdog Icons
Spinal Remains (all the other random icons I have lying around)
