CET Cut-Off Ranks for professional colleges in Karnataka

What are cut-off ranks?

Cut-off rank of a college X for a given branch Y, is the biggest (number with largest value) CET rank of a student who got admitted into college X, branch Y through the CET counselling. The counselling starts with the student with the lowest rank (that is rank 1) choosing a branch/college combination that is available. This process continues to rank holder 2, then 3, and so on. In due course all the seats available of a particular branch in a particular college are exhausted. The student who selected the last available seat before the seats got exhausted, holds the biggest rank in that branch, and that rank is the cut-off rank for that branch/college.

Why do I care about cut-off ranks?

The cut-off ranks information is an important piece of information to estimate which seats might be available to a given student with a particular rank. This may also be used to compare colleges. As you can imagine, you would expect more sought after branches and colleges have lower cut-off ranks as they exhaust earlier than lesser sought after ranks.

Different cut-off ranks are recorded for different categories, like GM (General Merit), etc.

Cut-Off Ranks

Year Engineering Medical Dental
2010 Click Click N/A
2009 Click Click N/A
2008 Click Click N/A
2007 Part 1, Part 2 Click Click

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