"When I was around ten years old, my uncle after a quick heads up from his friend the famed meteorite hunter AS FOUND IN THE WANDERLING LINK ABOVE
In the book The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav provides the reader an introduction to quantum theory. He includes a series illustrations from a classic textbook on quantum physics titled Modern College Physics by Dr. Harvey White. The diagrams represent various forms taken on by electron clouds in hydrogen atoms. Similar diagrams show up elsewhere as well, as for example the ones directly below by Milo Wolff. The designs are extremely similar, and in two cases identical, to the drawings on the Roswell UFO anomalous beams. The above drawing, made in 1989, is a rendition of the original drawings Jesse Marcel first made Sunday, July 6, 1947, as is the one below, of the symbols he reportedly saw on the I-beams.
If you take the ten figures drawn by Marcel above and number them 1-10 left to right you will notice #1,4, and 5 are like the Electron Cloud diagrams L-1 and possibly M-1. Similarly, #8 is exactly like L-2. Although not totally identical, but possibly grasped in a transitional stage, #3 and 6 are similar to L-3.
Interestingly enough, in 1947, at the time of Marcel's original drawings, although Erwin Schrodinger, who was awarded the Nobel prize for his work with quantum and wave mechanics, had proposed that electrons are found in atomic orbitals (electron clouds of different shapes) their appearance, if any, although postulated, was not generally known. Please note as well in the grouping below, which approximate more closely what electron clouds are suspected to "look like," that they are actually more "cloud-like" in that they are fuzzy in appearance without clear delineated edges as Wolff's diagrams might suggest.
ELECTRON CLOUDS Probability density distributions of different electron states in the hydrogen atom. |
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Pioneer 10 was launched on March 2, 1972 from Cape Kennedy aboard an Atlas Centaur rocket for a two-year mission to Jupiter. Now, forty years later, the probe is over twice as far from the Sun as Pluto. It's bound for interstellar space at well over 28,000 miles per hour heading in the general direction of the first magnitude star Aldebaran. On board is a gold plated aluminum plaque of which the above is a facsimile. Even though we may recognize the markings and know what they represent, especially with the written explanations provided, please notice how easy it might be for a distant space civilization to interpret the inscriptions as alien symbols or writing. Critics contend the message on the plaque is way too difficult to understand. Almost none of the human scientists that were shown the message were able to decipher it, at least quickly or in its totality. It can be assumed that it will be even more difficult for extraterrestrial intelligences that do not share our common knowledge. It is expected that finders of the plaque will spend generations trying to decipher it, much like deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphs took centuries --- so it is of little wonder that the Roswell hieroglyphs would meet the same fate here on Earth.
Taking a hint from the possibility of so-called Bracewell Probes --- theorized to be automated space probes from advanced civilizations beyond the Solar System --- but, using Pioneer 10, a spacecraft made here on Earth (as it becomes a somewhat unsophisticated version of a Bracewell Probe) --- notice what appears to be an almost filigree' appearance and lightweight construction of the craft, built with very small nearly I-beam like extensions as it heads toward its millennia-long rendezvous to another star system. So said, there is a good chance an object of similar or like-use expectations would possibly be replicated in a "form follows function" fashion, even IF from another system. As well, in that Bracewell Probes are predicted to be programmed to operate within a star system's habitable zone, it could be in a fly-by that the primary craft would instead, deploy a solar sail type object to find it's own near Earth-type orbit --- a spacecraft that, unless self propelled say with ion beams or similar motive device, could be no farther from the Sun than the orbit of Mars to remain effective. If you have seen any of the pictures of the so-called Roswell debris as in the graphics below, it takes on a similar fragile appearance to both the Pioneer 10 I-beam or truss-like extensions as well of that of a solar sail device.
It is not known if there are any markings or script on the I-beam like struts for manufacturing purposes or otherwise on Pioneer 10. However, the makers did attach the plaque to the antenna support struts in such a position where it would be shielded from erosion by interstellar dust. From that position the plate should most probably survive in a readable state until 100 parsecs from the sun. Scientist feel the etched metal message is likely to survive for a much longer period than any of the works of Man on Earth. The makers of the I-beams found in Roswell may have well considered the same thing.
If the Earth-based Pioneer 10 or like object were to crash land on another planet in some other system with less gravity than ours, say a Mars size planet or smaller for example, parts or debris would be lightweight (as compared to being on Earth) yet still retain it's same strength, hence being seen as "lightweight yet strong" as the Roswell I-beams were perceived to be.
Thus said, the opposite would also be true. That is to say, if the originating source of the debris was a super-heavy planet as compared to Earth, similar to, FOR EXAMPLE, the extra-solar rocky planet known to be orbiting the yellow-orange star mu Arae. The planet, located in the southern constellation of the Altar, is the second discovered in a possible three or four planet system. It is thought to have a mass 14 times that of Earth, lying at the threshold of the largest considered possible for a rocky planet, making it a super Earth-like object. Just like something made on Earth is lightweight on the moon, yet still retains it's same strength, hypothetically something designed to be functional in a 14 times Earth mass environment such as the planet orbiting mu Arae would end up being lightweight here and no doubt, super strong as well.
It should be noted, according to ROSWELL INCIDENT: UPDATED as well as other sources, that on Saturday, July 5, 1947, the day before Marcel made his drawings, an archaeologist, William Curry Holden of Texas Tech, along with some students were particpating in an archaeological dig some distance northwest of Roswell and stumbled across a second impact site where an object had crashed --- an object that was not fragile at all, but was instead, so big they thought it was the remains of a wrecked aircraft of some sort. What happened to that "wrecked aircraft" is not known. Military personnel reportedly arrived soon afterward, cordoned off access to the site and escorted Holden and his students out of the area.(see)
What has somehow become known as the primary, or at least the most publicized site, the debris field, located some distance northwest of the above mentioned site, AND the same place the hieroglyph inscribed I-beams were found, was reported to have debris spread over an area three-quarters of a mile long and two to three hundred feet wide. According to the lease holder of the Foster Ranch where the debris field was located as well as a ranch hand named Tommy Tyree that worked for him, and confirmed by others as well, a gouge starting at the northern end of the field extended four or five hundred feet toward the other end. It appeared as though something touched down and skipped along. The largest KNOWN piece of debris recovered at the site was at the far southern end of the gouge. Even though the furrow was fairly long and wide with some depth, it was not clear what had done the damage as the piece recovered, alledged to have been 4 feet long by 3 feet wide by 1 foot thick, was "as light as a feather." What was thought to be the main body, the wreckage stumbled on by Holden and his students, was miles away. It has been reported by people on the scene of the ROSWELL CRASH: UFO Down that the craft presented no visible sign of a power source, as though the power source and the main body had become forcibly separated somehow OR purposely ejected. The materials found at the so-called primary site were extraordinarily light, but the furrow must have been made by a very heavy component, thought possibly to be the main body of the craft in a heavy touchdown, losing parts as it did --- or possibly the power source before it exploded, spreading parts and debris all over the field --- although it must be said, none of the debris reported resembled parts of any sort of a recognizable power source. Of course the craft's propulsion system could have been found whole and in one piece and appropriated early on in some fashion by authorities before anybody got a chance to see or photograph it; or it could have even been found at another site and kept secret; OR maybe not found at all and still laying around on the desert floor among the jackrabbits and horn toads.(see)
Although it is explained much more thoroughly in Frank Edwards and most especially so in the Tommy Tyree site linked above, how I was able to do so, briefly, I, as a ten year boy or so, went into the area within days of the July 1947 incident with my uncle because he was interested in looking into what he heard were hieroglyphs on some pieces of the debris. It was at least two months AFTER the object was said to have crashed that he was officially called back by La Paz, me Meeting Dr.La Paz a second time. During the first visit, even though I was around, sat in on, or overhead many interviews between my uncle and various people, I never took any notes or retained anything specifically for posterity. At the time I just didn't know any of it would ever mean anything. I was raised on Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers and experienced the giant UFO Over Los Angeles, so rocketships or objects from outer space or other planets just didn't seem all that unusual to me. I spent a good part of my time out in the cab of the truck reading comic books, sitting around in waiting rooms or narrow halls of places that looked like doctors offices or hospitals. Even more time was spent hanging out in dirty little rooms stuck back in the corners of hot, dusty hanger type buildings stacked to the ceiling with falling over old newspapers, out of date World War II Mil-Spec operator handbooks and training manuals, as well as grungy old coffee cups all over the place with spoons and dead bugs stuck in the bottom of thin layer of some sort of a dried-up brown, tar-like residue --- presumably it is guessed, being at onetime, coffee. It was only during that SECOND visit that I joined my uncle along with Dr. La Paz and another archaeologist named --- I've been told --- William Lawrence Campbell, and actually went to EVERY ONE of the then known or newly discovered debris fields together. Campbell, by the way, known to many in the desert southwest as Cactus Jack, had a somewhat unsavory reputation as not being much more than a rockhound and Pothunter in in those days, a reputation he was eventually able to grow out of, becoming an amatuer archaeologist of some renown. It has been said that it was he that, at the end of an archaeology based Field Trip, introduced Carlos Castaneda to the shaman-sorcerer that Castaneda eventually apprenticed under named Don Juan Matus.
Since the time of my first and second visit it has been brought to my attention over and over that a lot of changes occurred in and around the various sites during that two month period. Changes it is said that included restructuring and transformation of the landscape, removal and replacement of plants and foliage, and possibly even the intimidation of potential eyewitnesses. Now, while it is true that as a post-event witness on the first visit with my uncle within days of the impact, like I say above, I did not join him in going to EVERY site. On my SECOND visit, in relation to the suspected crash, other than some broken tree limbs and a few scorched plants here and there pointed out by my uncle as well as being shown some glass-like fused sand that could have been anything --- but that somehow bore some significance with various members of the party I was with --- as much as I wish I could say that I did, I personally never saw anything that looked like gouged out earth, crash skid marks, or LARGE pieces of debris that could have come from or caused by a downed craft, Earth-based or otherwise. The point should be made though, as a ten year old boy, I don't think my cognizant ability or magnitude of experience was such that I would know or could substantiate any given level of landscape transformation or modification even if I saw it. Nor did I ever get to see anything that resembled hieroglyphics on I-beams. If my uncle did, he never said.
As an extra added insight, whether you are a skeptic or a believer of the events surrounding the ROSWELL UFO, it just so happens that on the weekend of the incident and unrelated to anything that transpired there, I had gone with my uncle to learn first hand about The Long Walk endured by the Navajos as well as visit the gravesite of Billy the Kid at Fort Sumner, New Mexico. We had left the Arizona Strip where we had been searching for fossils related to the Teratorn, a giant bird with over a twenty-foot wingspan thought to be the inspiration of Native American Thunderbird legends. We stopped overnight for some exploration at the Elden Pueblo where prehistoric Native Americans had buried an extremely rare type meteorite in a ritual fashion as well as on to the Meteor Crater. Then, after a stop to repair a broken truck in Corona, on to Fort Sumner. On one of the days of THAT three-day Fourth of July weekend, and I don't remember which day, without any knowledge of the events unfolding at Roswell at the time, we were turning left onto a main highway from a side road near Fort Sumner when a military convoy of several flatbed army trucks carrying large crates, some covered with tarps some not, and escorted by jeeps and followed in the rear by a huge tow truck went by headed toward the east or northeast at a high rate of speed.
Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas in the summer of 1947. In 1997 he wrote a book titled The Day After Roswell. Corso states in his book that on July 6th, two days after the purported crash of the mysterious craft outside Roswell, he became aware that five two and a half ton trucks and side-by-side low-boy trailers pulled into the base, apparently the day before, loaded with huge wooden crates . Corso goes on to say that same evening a sentry told him the crews of the deuce-and-a-halfs said "they brought these boxes up from Fort Bliss from some accident out in New Mexico..." Corso also writes he located a routing slip related to at least one of the crates which indicated it was from a craft that had crash-landed near Roswell earlier that week. The military convoy my uncle and I observed near Fort Sumner coincides perfectly in looks, time, and direction as the convoy said by Corso to have arrived at Fort Riley on the fourth of July weekend.(source) See also:
As an adult looking back, for me two things stand out more than anything else regarding the Roswell Incident. The first is, a man gave me my very own brand new prospector's pick which I used to break up rocks around the fused-glass site just for the heck of it. Secondly, again at the fused-glass site, how strange it was to look lengthwise along the what now appeared to be a natural, clear wide swath between the scrub brush. Standing in the middle of the gravel soil and peering down at the ground OR from the north end of the swath looking to the south, you could just barely discern a slight blue hue similar to a swimming pool blue running the full length of the foilage-free strip. If you went to the other end, the south end, and looked back you couldn't see it. If you ran your foot ever so slightly over the ground in an arc or line breaking the topsoil the color would disappear leaving only the regular color of the dirt showing. It was as though an ultra thin turquoise blue patina had been sprayed on all along the rocks and gravel on the north side and the top of their surface, but none of the color had reached the backsides of their surface facing south.
Interesting as well, Dr. Lincoln La Paz, who had given my uncle the heads up regarding the hieroglyphic writing initially --- and who had thousands and thousands of hours of scientific time observing celestial objects himself --- reported on July 10th, 1947, six days after the Roswell crash, seeing a huge eliptical-shaped object flying in the sky near Fort Sumner, New Mexico, while driving by car with his wife and children. He saw a luminous unknown object sort of oscillating beneath the clouds. Its brightness was stronger than the planet Jupiter and its shape regular and elliptical. The nature of this object was unknown to the astronomer.
In a Life Magazine article dated April 7, 1952 (Incident 2, page 84) La Paz is quoted as saying the object "..exhibited a sort of wobbling motion" and then disappeared behind some clouds. It reappeared and "projected against the dark clouds gave the strongest impression of self-luminosity." The object then moved slowly from south to north and two and a half minutes behind a cloudbank. According to La Paz's calculations, confirmed by his wife, the object was huge, as large or larger than the infamous "Battle of Los Angeles" object as presented in the UFO Over Los Angeles seen by thousands in February, 1942, being some 235 feet long and 100 feet thick. La Paz reported the horizontal speed of the object he observed ranged between 120 and 180 miles per hour and its vertical rise between 600 and 900 miles per hour. (NOTE: according to reports as cited in the above link, the Los Angeles UFO was, however, thought to be closer to the size of a Zeppelin at over 800 feet in length)
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The electron cloud graphics are copyright © 2002 Blaze Labs. Material available through their site are for noncommercial educational purposes only. They request that due credit and notification be given the author. Pioneer 10 plaque and Pioneer 10 spaceprobe graphic courtesy NASA. Roswell debris graphic courtesy University of Texas, Special Collections Division, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Box 19497, Arlington, Texas. 76019-0497.