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*NSYNC *N Britney's Adventure

One sunny day on the *N Sync bus...

"Justin, how many tissues should go into my bra?" Briney poked her head out of the small bathroom. "My boobs are leaking and I don't want them to look all saggy..."

"Dayum! Lordy be-otch how I be supposin' ta know dat?!? I don't need to ba talkin' to dos be-otches dat be stuffin dem boos-tiers wit' dem shizznit..." Justin walked to the front of the bus, joining Chris and JC. Chris was pouring the contents of a Pixy stick into JC's crack pipe while JC dozed off in the passenger seat. "Yo mah C-Dawg!" Justin yelled.

"SHHHH!" Chris pushed Justin back into the back room. "I wanna see if this will do anything to him..." he said, giggling wildly like a girl. "What do you want?"

"Well man, you be knowing dat..." Justin gets cut off by loud banging noises coming from the bathroom followed by a whining sound.

"Britney's boobs are SAGGING again aren't they?" Chris continued to open Pixy stick after Pixy stick. "Why don't you just ditch the crazy bitch? HAHAHAAAAAA, that rhymed HAHA!!!!!!"

"Man, get da hell away from a brotha!" Justin pushed Chris back to the front of the bus. He walked back to the bathroom door, where you could hear Britney squirming around. "Hey gets da hell out here be-otch... and don't be puttin' none of dem toilet papers in yo' bra foo!"

"Justin... I'm uhh... like, uhhh BUSY!" More banging noises could be heard.

"What you be sayin'???" He busted open the door, to see both of Joey's hands strategically placed on each of Britney's boobs. "Man, get da hell away from mah ho! She ain't no free-sample hooker!" Justin grabbed Joey by the ears and flung him towards the bunks. "Go eat some of dat cheese-in-da-can dat you's got back dere! You got a fat azz to maintain!"

"But Justin, SHE asked me to help her with her uhhh.. (giggles) boob problem." He sees the disgusted look on Justin's face and walked to the kitchen, where he took the cheese-in-a-can and began squirting it into his mouth. He soon forgot about everything else.

"Man, why does a brotha like mahself gots ta be wit these fools?" Man, if damn Johnny be wantin' me to stop smokin' mah buddha and drinkin' mah 40's den he be havin' ta get rid of all dem fools!" He walked back and crawled into his bunk, while Britney skipped after him like a fairy.

Meanwhile, in the back of the bus...

" I like boys...I mean... girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch..." Lance silently hummed to himself as he organized his clothes for the third time."Let's see now... Red shirts go here... with the red nailpolish.. no, no! Bad compact! Why did you have to break all over my favorite silk shirt?" Lance pursed his lips as he brushed at the shirt ever so daintily with his hands. He looked up to see that Joey had come in. "Why the sad look honey?" Lance rushed over to Joey and held him. "What happened hmm??"

"My-my-my Cheese whiz is gone!!" He held up the empty can, while a puppy-dog frown spread over his face, and his lip began to tremble.

"There there honey, it'll be alright!" Lance continued to console Joey as he cried his little heart out. "No, no now wait now!" Lance pushed Joey away from him. "Your getting your poor little tears all over Lance's brand new cashmere sweater. That's a no-no for Joey." Joey just let his head drop as he sulked all the way back to his bunk, where he cried himself to sleep.

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