Compilation by Brenda K. Haffner-Lindley 1997/98; © 2000-2025; Edited 2005
Last Updated: April 2015
(Notes in parenthesis are that of the author, otherwise all of the information
is straight from the actual treaties with a few condensed phrases.)
1795, August 3 - Treaty of Greenville
Wea’s ceded to the U.S. one piece six miles square at the Ouiatenon, or Old Wea Towns, on the Wabash River.
(Fort Ouiatenon or Wea Plains) U.S. has free use of all waterways, and harbors. The U.S. relinquished all claims to all other Indian land north of the Ohio, east of the Mississippi, west and south of the Great Lakes, except the following pieces of land.
1. Post Vincennes
2. All land in possession of the French, and Whites.
To be divided among all the tribes involved a quantity of goods valued at $20,000.00 and every year forever afterwards the U.S. will give them goods valued at $9,500.00 goes to the Wyandotte, Delaware, Shawnee, Miami, Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomie, and $500.00 each to the Kickapoo, Wea, Eel River, and Piankeshaw’s. All Indians were to hunt, fish, and live on the remainder of the land forever unmolested by the U.S. or others.
For the Wea and Piankeshaw signed:
Amacunsa or Little Beaver
Acoolatha or Little Fox
For the Eel River; The Soldier.
(Out of that $20,000.00 for ALL tribes that is approximately $1,818.00 for each tribe at the time of the Treaty, plus the yearly amounts promised forever thereafter.
1802, September 17 - Treaty
1803, June 7 - Treaty of Fort Wayne, IN. With the Wea & Others
(This treaty took Wea land. NO Wea signed this treaty, but other Tribes signed in our place.)
1803, August 7 -Treaty of Vincennes, IN. With the Eel River, Wyandotte & others
(No Wea were mentioned in this treaty, but Wea Chief Little Eyes signed it.
1805, August 21 - Treaty of Grouseland, IN, With the Wea, Potawatomie & Others
Art 2 >Wea, the U.S. took more land from Kent River, to Fort Recovery, to the Ohio River.
Art 3 > U.S. gave the Wea $250.00 for land without further compensation.
Art 4 > Wea, Miami, and the Eel River consider themselves ONE Nation. The U.S. consider them joint owners of the land.
Wea Chiefs who signed:
Labossiere - Assonnonquah
Painted Pole - Misquaconaqua
Little Eyes - Chequanah
(The Wea did not get the money for the land, the Miami and others did.)
1809, September 13 - Treaty
A $100.00 permanently annuity to be given the Wea.
(NO WEA signed, only Miami’s.)
1809, September 30 - Treaty with Eel River, Miami, Potawatomi & Delaware
This Treaty ceded Wea land. Eel River received $250.00 yearly. Delaware received $500.00 yearly.
Miami received $500.00 yearly. Potawatomi received $500.00 yearly.
Art 5 > Consent of the Wea Tribe needed first, goods will be given to them at that time and some moneys not less that $300.00.
Art 8 > The U.S. relinquish rights to the Reservation at Wea Towns.
1809, September 30 - Treaty at Fort Wayne
More Wea land was taken by the U.S. and the Wea were to get an extra annuity of $100.00.
1809, October 26 - Treaty
To the Wea $300.00 plus the $1,500.00 Annuity to be given them.
Chiefs who signed:
Jacco Godfroy
Little Beaver
Little Eyes - Chequeah
Piquaih (aka George)
1814, July 22 - Treaty with the Wea and Others
The U.S. gives peace to the Miami Nation who were formally the Miami, Eel River and the Wea Tribes.
These tribes agree to aide the U.S. in war against Great Britain.
Wea who signed the treaty under the Miami Nation:
Stone Eater - Sanamahhonga
Little Eyes - Chequeah (aka, Little Raccoon)
(Since before this time the Wea were a separate People from the Miami Nation, and it was the devise of the British and English,many years before this date, to group us all together for their own personal gain and agenda.)
1816, June 4 - Treaty with the Wea
Wea will adhere to the Treaty of Greenville of 1795, and all subsequent treaties.
Wea Chiefs who signed:
Jacco Godfroy
Little Eyes - Chequeah
Negro Legs
Long Body
Pequaih (aka Geroge)
1818, January 3 - Treaty with Piankeshaw
U.S. took more land in this treaty. Wea Chief Little Eyes signed this under the Piankeshaw.
1818, October 2 - Treaty with the Wea at St. Mary’s
U.S. gave grant to Christmas Dagenette (Dazney) (Principal Chief Jacco Godfroy’s nephew) and Mary Godfroy Dagenette (Jacco’s sister)and their heirs, and one section of land each, as requested and secured by Chief Jacco.
Art 3 > U.S. to pay the Wea $1850.00 yearly plus the $1150.00 yearly, to total $3000.00, paid in silver yearly by the U.S., to be paid at the Wea Reservation.
This treaty took ALL the Wea land except the reservation at Raccoon Creek, Parke Co. Indiana 7 miles X 7 miles square.
Wea Chiefs who signed:
Jacco Godfroy
Little Eyes - Chequiah
Ouema - Young Man
Shingonsa - Mink
Shepaqua - Leaves
1820, August 11 - Treaty at Vincennes Indiana with the Wea
This treaty took even the Wea Reservation land by Sugar Creek in present day Parke County Indiana from the Wea, and left them homeless.
(Only two years after the Wea were given the Reservation by the government.)
1826, October 2 - Treaty of Paradise Springs with the Wea, Miami, Ottawa and Potawatomie
1826 Oct 26 The Potawatomie signed. 1826 Oct 23 Miami signed.
This treaty took all the Wea land etc, but the Miami received all the rewards, goods, etc.
(It is said that ONE Wea Chief signed, but which one and where?)
1827, October 23 - New Treaty
Four Wea Chiefs signed:
Hair lip – Keekeequah (Do not make the mistake of assuming this is Jacco Godfroy, it is not.)
Swan - Wapaqa
Bull - keshewa
U.S. put some of the Wea on a Reservation near Kokomo Indiana.
Wea were to go to Kansas.
1832 - Treaty With the Wea at Caster Hill, Missouri
Art 2 > Wea to be given 250 sections of land in Missouri.
Art 4 > Wea to be paid $500.00 plus $250.00 yearly.
** Assistance to the Wea in Indiana to be given as well.
(The Wea never received any “assistance.” In fact, one Grandfather said; "if had not of been for the rattlesnakes we would have starved to death.")
1854, May 30 - Treaty at Washington with the Wea
Art 1 >Wea united into single tribe with the Peoria and Piankeshaw.
Art 2 >This treaty took ALL Wea land, except a Reservation of 160 acres for each soul in the said tribe, and 10 sections for common property of the tribe.
Art 6 >Wea relinquished annuities, but for this the U.S. to pay them $60,000.00 in six annual payments.
Art 7 > U.S. granted them 640 acres land to be selected by Chiefs (treaty 9-25-1818 )
Art 13 > All persons and families of said tribe are included in the annexed schedule, and such persons shall select from the 10 sections reserved as common property.
Wea Chiefs who signed:
Yellow Beaver
Baptiste Peoria (Mary Godfroy Dagenette’s 2nd husband.)
List of persons to be given land, Peoria, Baptiste Peoria, Keshekonsah, and others.
(This was in Kansas after the Confederated Peoria Tribe was formed.)
1867, February 23 - Washington D. C.
Art 22 > The land in the second and fourth articles of this treaty proposed to be purchased from the Senecas and Quapaws, and lying south of Kansas, is hereby granted and sold to the Peorias. The said Indians agree to dispose of their allotments in Kansas and remove to their new homes in the Indian country within two years from the ratification of this treaty; that adult Indians may sell their own lands, and that the lands of minors and incompetents may be sold by the chiefs, with the consent of the agent, certified to the Secretary of the Interior and approved by him; and the guardianship of orphan children shall remain in the hands of the chiefs of the tribe, and the said chiefs shall have the exclusive right to determine who are members of the tribe and entitled to be placed upon the pay-rolls.
Art 26 >The Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas, and Piankeshaws agree that the Miamies may be confederated with them upon their new reservation, and own an undivided right in said reservation in proportion to the sum paid, upon the payment by the said Miamies of an amount which, in proportion to the number of the Miamies who shall join them, will be equal to their share of the purchase-money in this treaty provided to be paid for the land, and also upon the payment into the common fund of such amount as shall make them equal in annuities to the said Peorias, &c., the said privilege to remain open to the Miamies two years from the ratification of this treaty.
(The Miami’s never did join them.)
Art 28 > Inasmuch as there may be those among them who may desire to remain in Kansas and become citizens of the United States, it is hereby provided that, within six months after the ratification of this treaty, a register shall be taken by the agent, which shall show the names separately of all who voluntarily desire to remove, and all who desire to remain and become citizens; and those who shall elect to remain may appear before the judge of the United States district court for Kansas and make declaration of their intention to become citizens, and take the oath to support the Constitution of the United States; and upon filing of a certificate of such declaration and oath in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs they shall be entitled to receive the proportionate share of themselves and their children in the invested funds and other common property of the tribe; and therefrom they and their children shall become citizens, and have no further rights in the tribe; and all the females who are heads of families, and single women of full age shall have the right to make such declaration and become disconnected from the tribe.
The Godfroy’s: Wea & Miami Indians & Their French Families; A History & Genealogy Throughout Time. Volume-II History – 2014
Of the below sources I have used a few in my research. My references for the treaties came from copies of the original treaties from the U.S.A. government archival documents, located in Washington D. C. I wanted to present to you sources that you could easily reach and study, and what better way than the Internet itself. It is our hope that you will not only learn of our Ancestors’ time and their culture, but eventually come to know and love our People the Waayaahtanwa (Wea).

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NOTE: All pages that depict the WIT Seal have been donated to the WIT and are the official website of WIT.
Owner, Webmasters & Editors: Brenda Haffner-Lindley & Lori Budash.
Treaty of Greenville Ohio, 1795
1803, June 7 - Treaty of Fort Wayne, IN
1803, August 7 -Treaty of Vincennes, IN. Wea Chief’s Signed
1805, August 21 - Treaty of Grouseland, IN.
1809, September 30 - Treaty with Eel River
1809, September 30 - Treaty at Fort Wayne
1809, October 26 – Treaty at Vincennes, IN.
1814, July 22 - Treaty with the Wea
1816, June 4 - Treaty with the Wea at Fort Harrison
1818, October 2 - Treaty with the Wea at St. Mary’s
1820, August 11 - Treaty at Vincennes IN.
1832, October 29 - Treaty with the Wea at Caster Hill, Missouri
1854, May 30 - Treaty at Washington with the Wea
1867, February 23 – Washington D. C.
Kappler’s Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
TREATIES 1661-1809