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Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels


Conversation of Jesus with the Woman of Samaria

John 4:5-26

  1. To what place did Jesus come on his way from Judea to Galilee? (John 4:5)

  2. What well was there?

  3. At what time in the day did he arrive?

  4. What do you understand by the sixth hour?

  5. Who met him at that place? (John 4:7)

  6. What did he say to her?

  7. Did she show any surprise? (John 4:9)

  8. Can you mention an instance of the national hostility referred to in this place? (Luke 9:52-53)

  9. What appears to have been the principal reason why they did not receive him?

  10. How did this affect the disciples? (Luke 9:54)

  11. Did Jesus approve the spirit which they manifested? (Luke 9:55-56)

  12. What parable refers to this national hostility? (Luke 10:30-37)

  13. What did Jesus say to the woman? (John 4:10)

  14. What did he mean by the gift of God?

  15. What did he mean by living water?

  16. Did the woman apprehend his meaning? (John 4:11-12)

  17. What did Jesus say concerning the water in Jacob's well? (John 4:13)

  18. What did he say concerning the living water?

  19. Why do those never thirst again who partake of this living water?

  20. What does the prophet Jeremiah say in regard to the satisfaction afforded by the mercy of God revealed in the gospel? (Jer. 31:14)

  21. What does the apostle say on the same subject? (1 Pet. 1:8)

  22. Would the gospel afford such perfect satisfaction to the benevolent desires of people if it proclaimed the endless misery of a portion of mankind?

  23. After Jesus had spoken concerning her domestic relations, what did the woman say to him? (John 4:19)

  24. What is a prophet?

  25. Who bestows the gift of prophecy? (2 Pet. 1:21)

  26. Does this gift enable people to describe past events as well as to foretell the future?

  27. What induced the woman to believe that Jesus was a prophet? (John 4:29)

  28. What question did she propose for his decision? (John 4:20)

  29. What was his reply? (John 4:21)

  30. Did he mean that no worship should be offered at either of those places?

  31. What does he mean?

  32. Which best understood the true character of god, the Jews or the Samaritans? (John 4:22)

  33. In what manner did Jesus say people should worship the Father?

  34. Whom did he mean by the Father?

  35. What do you understand by worshipping in spirit?

  36. What do you understand by worshipping in truth?

  37. How was God worshipped in the earliest age of the world? (Gen. 4:3-4)

  38. How was he worshipped after the flood? (Gen. 8:20)

  39. Were sacrifices and offerings prescribed by Moses as acts of worship?

  40. Were not the Jews instructed, however, that obedience to the precepts of the moral law was more acceptable to God than sacrifices? (1 Sam. 15:22)

  41. Are such sacrifices required under the gospel dispensation? or is a sincere spiritual worship sufficient?

  42. Are not certain acts of Christian worship denominated sacrifices by the aposte? (Rom. 12:1; Heb. 13:15-16)

  43. Why does God demand a spiritual worship? (John 4:24)

  44. How many will finally render such worship? (Psalm 22:27)

  45. What is the apostle's testimony on this subject? (Philippians 2:10-11)

  46. What did the Revelator see in a vision and what is his testimony? (Rev. 5:13)

  47. Is it probable that any who unite in such worship in the future life will endure endless misery?

  48. To what person did the woman profess to look for further information? (John 4:25)

  49. What is the maining of Messiah?

  50. What did Jesus then declare? (John 4:26)

  51. Did the woman credit his declaration? (John 4:29)

  52. Is the prophetic power one of the characteristic marks of the Messiah?

  53. What other marks of his Messiahship did Jesus exhibit during his ministry?
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