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The Profiteroles Picture Gallery!

Yes, this page was created during yet another one of my Periods of Incredible Borednesses. 'Twas a dark and stormy night, and some mad people gave me the idea for it... guess it was really more my fault, tho, as I have a weird mind.

I acquired the piccies from various places... but I can't remember where, so in the unlikely event that you should see your profiteroles here, I would be happy to give you credit for owning the pic... email me.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy viewing all the wonders of profiteroles...

...won't take long...

All the wonders of profiteroles... those little cream pastry things.

As you can see, they come in many interesting shapes and sizes... but are all very fattening. Annoyingly.

See those ones on the left? They are curried shrimp profitroles. How sick is that?! Ewww. Also, someone actually bothered to draw some profiteroles... Why? Why??

And these profiteroles have a bit of a tower thing going on. How pretty.

Nowhere near as tower like as this thing, though!! Fererro Rocher imitation, or what?? To want to make a tower of profiteroles that big, you'd have to be more bored / mad / sad / stupid than me. (Delete as applicable... but don't draw on your monitor. The marks never come off...)

If you want to find out more about the Frenchly named profiterole, consult your local library, or click here for a recipe. (It's created by Antony Worral Thompson of the silly name: a mark of quality, I think you'll agree.)

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