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«—‹-|welcome to ŧïãѨGrصÑаzÊrØ|-›—»

«—|ie v5.0+|800×600+|popup|frames|256 colour|—»
‹-|since|27th july 2003|-›

‹-|enter the dragon|-›

«—|asian pryde|—»
:|showing the pryde of thailand|:  :|showing the pryde of cambodia|:  :|showing the pryde of vietnam|:  :|showing the pryde of hong kong|:  :|showing the pryde of australia|:
:|showing the pryde of china|:  :|showing the pryde of japan|:  :|showing the pryde of korea|:  :|showing the pryde of philippines|:  :|showing the pryde of laos|:
:|showing the pryde of mongolia|:  :|showing the pryde of taiwan|:  :|showing the pryde of malaysia|:  :|showing the pryde of singapore|:  :|showing the pryde of nepal|:

© '03, '05; by steve sök &
carsten thanarat. all rights reserve.