GEORGE Z. WOOD, editor of the Mitchell Commercial, was born in Lawrence County, Ind., October 15, 1844, where he was reared and educated. At the age of fourteen years he entered Mitchell Seminary, where he remained three years, and then went to farming. In 1863 he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving as Corporal, three months. In April, 1864, he again enlisted, in Company D, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was with his regiment when it released the Andersonville prisoners. He was Sergeant of his company. He was engaged in saw-milling three years, and then clerked awhile, when he and his brother formed a partnership which lasted a year. He again became a partner in business, until about 1876, at which time he wa appointed Assistant Postmaster, afterward being appointed Postmaster. In October, 1883, he purchased the Commercial, and has made it an excellent paper. It was established in 1865. In 1879 he was elected City Councilman. In connection with his other business, Mr. Wood is engaged in the wholesale book and stationery trade, being successor to Anderson & Hamilton. In 1880 he established a coal-yard in Mitchell, which he still operates. July 6, 1876, he was married to Naomi Z. Hutchinson, a native of Harrison County, Ind., and by this union have been born two children: Grace A. and Francis E., the latter being deceased. Mr. Wood is an A. F. & A. M., and an I. O. O. F. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""