"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 EDWIN WOOD, grocer, was born in Randolph County, N.C., October 31, 1815, son of ZEBEDEE and HANNAH (BROWER) WOOD, natives of North Carolina. In 1818 our subject came with his parents to Lawrence County, Ind., who settled in Marion Township, the father being born in 1791, and dying in 1872, his wife also dying the same year. Our subject remained at home farming till he was twenty-five years of age, when he purchased 160 acres of land, where he remained till he located in the town of Woodville. He was also engaged in contracting on the railroad, starting a store at the same time, and in addition ran a mill. In 1877 he came to Mitchell and opened a store, which he still runs. He has been twice married, first in Lawrence County, February 25, 1841, to MARY E. SHEEKS, a native of this county, born November 12, 1824; she died September 7, 1857, leaving six children: ANSELM, GEORGE Z., JOHN B., HANNAH E., MALINDA and THOMAS J. June 24, 1858, he married MARY L. BROOKS, in Orange County, Ind. Mr. Wood was appointed First Lieutenant of the company of this township, when he was twenty-three years of age. He is one of the pioneers of this section, and does a very fair business. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years, and is a Republican in politics. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"