"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 LORENZO DOW VOSS, Justice of the Peace, is the youngest of six sons born to Clement and May Voss, whose maiden name was Britton. The birth of Mr. Voss occurred May 27, 1818, in Lee County, Va. His father was born in Delaware, and his mother was of North Carolina nativity. This family is of German-Welsh lineage. In 1816 he is parents emigrated from North Carolina to Virginia, where they remained a short time, and then removed to Granger County, Tenn., and there the family lived until 1833, when they removed to Monroe County, Ind. His father died in 1862 in Owen County. In 1839 the subject of this brief sketch came to Lawrence County and settled in Springville, and immediately engaged in cabinet-making, at which he continued until 1856 when he removed to his present place of residence, one mile and a half south-east of the town, which was so named because of its numerous springs. Mr. Voss was in 1841 united in marriage to Miss Elvira Wilson, a native of North Carolina, daughter of James and Mary Wilson, whose maiden name was Campbell. When Mrs. Voss was about fourteen years of age she came with her parents to Owen County, Ind., and this union was blessed with twelve children, and those that are living are as follows: Badora A., Esther B., Amon C., Ellington T., William E., Arthur C., Emery B. and Lorenzo C. By occupation our subject is a farmer and stock-raiser. He now owns 200 acres of fairly well improved land. Mr. Voss is an ernest Republican, and cast his first Presidential vote for Harrison. In 1870 he was elected Justice of the Peace for Perry Township, was re-elected in 1878, and 1884 was re-elected again. In 1883 he held the same office by appointment. He was in the Quartermaster's service during the late war for fifteen months. Mr. and Mrs. Voss are leading members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are among the prominent people of Lawrence County. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"