"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 OWENS SHORT was born in this county March 14, 1818; son of Wesley and Rebecca (Owens) Short; is the seventh in a family of nine children, and is of Welsh-English extraction. The father of Mr. Short was born in Virginia, December 20, 1780. and his mother in the same State September 15, 1782. His paternal grandfather was John Short, also a native of Virginia, born February 15, 1756. In 1817 the father of Mr. Short came to Indiana, and for a time remained in Washington County, but early in 1818 he made settlement in Lawrence County. His death took place September 16, 1852, and was followed September 29, 1858, by his wife. The early life of the subject of this sketch was spent in farming and attending school. In 1840 Mr. Short had made so much advancement that he taught a district school. In all, he has now taught sixteen terms. He has extended his education so that he is considered one of the best scholars and read men in his neighborhood. He attended the State University at Bloomington some time, and but for ill health, would have graduated. He was married August 6, 1850, to Miss Mary E. Lancaster, a native of Boone County, Ky., born September 18, 1827, and who, in 1846, came with her parents to Greene County, Ind. This union had the following children: Flora I., 1855; Victoria, 1857; Emma E., 1859; Ulysses G., 1868. The last named deceased in 1875. The other children (three) died in infancy. In 1850 Mr. Short settled where he now resides. Here he has a farm consisting of 450 acres, on land where the fist house of Perry Township was erected. At the early age of fifteen years Mr. Short united with the Christian Church, of which he has ever since been a member, and for twenty years he has been a local preacher in that denomination. Mrs. Short has been a member of the same church for thirty-four years. She is a most amiable, Christian lady. He is an earnest Republican, and a highly respected and honorable citizen. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"