"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 J. M. SELLERS, the next youngest in a family of ten children, born to Edward and Amelia (Stanton) Sellers, is a native of Laurel County, Ky.; his birth occurring February 2, 1826. When only four years of age he was brought by his parents to Lawrence County, Ind., and he was reared and educated in Indian Creek Township, and has always made it his home. To his marriage with Miss Julina Sears, which occurred in 1845, a family was born, the following five children yet living: John D., Minerva, Adam, Rachel and Ila. The mother dying in 1880, Mr. Sellers married for his second wife Mrs.(Cox) Embree, a widow lady, with this family: William, Elizabeth, Mary and John. Mr. Sellers is one of the well-to-do and well posted farmers of the county, owning upward of a section of good land. As a Republican in politics he has always been outspoken in his party's best interest, which in 1884 honored him as its candidate for County Commissioner. For forty years he has been a member of the Christian Church, and his wife for thirty-eight years. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"