"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 MARCUS D. REID. Among those who immigrated to Indiana in the year 1825 was Thomas Reid, the father of the subject of this sketch. Born in Kentucky November 28, 1800, he was reared to the hardships of backwoods life, and this he fully participated in after coming to the Hoosier State. For a wife he selected Sally Owens, who was born November 12, 1803, in the Old Dominion, and by her was the father of twelve children, here named: John, Hannah, William, Rebecca, Alexander, James, Sarah T., Amos, Lilbern, Thomas, Marcus D. and Martha. He and wife were members of the Christian Church, and his death, which occurred April 1, 1864, was mournfully felt throughout the entire neighborhood. His widow still survives him. Marcus D. Reid was born in this county (Lawrence County, Indiana) December 20, 1846. He selected farming as his occupation, and now owns 257 acres of good land, while his only living child owns 320 acres in Young County, Tex. He is an Odd Fellow, a Democrat, and in 1882 was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, a position he yet retains. He married Miss Cora, daughter of Josiah C. and Phetna (Holland) Foster, November 21, 1869, and to their union two children were born, one dying in infancy, and the other--Sarah Phetna--yet living. Mrs. Reid dying June 2, 1875, Mr. Reid selected for his second wife Miss Mary, daughter of William and Elizabeth (McPike) Faubion, and to her was married January 8, 1876. Mrs. Reid was born October 19, 1844, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"