"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 HOLLAND F. PITMAN, farmer and stock-grower, is a native of Indian Creek Township, Lawrence Co., Ind., born in 1833, son of HOLLAND and ELIZABETH (MCNEAL) PITMAN, of German-Irish origin, and is the ninth in a numerous family. His father was born in WOODFORD COUNTY, KY., in 1793, and his mother in the same county, but four years later. The parents of our subject came to Lawrence County about 1824, but the father of Mr. Pitman was in the county in 1818 and made a land entry, but then returned to his native State. The Pitman family made a settlement four and one-half miles west of Bedford. The father of Mr. Pitman died in 1854. His mother is yet living, and is about ninety years of age. The subject of this mention was married in 1862 to Miss RACHEL J. COX, also a native of Indian Creek Township, daughter of ALEXANDER COX. Mr. Pitman is one of the leading farmers of his township, and has at present 385 acres of well improved land. In 1870 he settled where he now lives; here he has valuable improvements. In 1881 Mr. Pitman began giving some attention to bee culture. As an apiarist he has been very successful. Mr. Pitman is an earnest supporter of the Republican party, and like his father, has always been a rigid anti-slavery man. Mr. and Mrs. Pitman have long been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"