"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JAMES H. MCPHEETERS is a native of Washington County, Ind., his birth occurring March 14, 1844. His grandfather, James McPheeters, was of Scotch descent and removed soon after the war of 1812 to near Livonia. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. He reared a large family, one of whom--Alexander--married Louisa M. Snyder, a lady of German extraction and native of the Empire State. They reared a family of three children, James H., the subject of this sketch, being one. Alexander McPheeters studied medicine and for fully fifty years practiced at Livonia. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church thirty years and Superintendent of the Livonia Sabbath-schools twenty-five years; he died in 1882. His widow survives him. James H. McPheeters was reared in Livonia, receiving such education as the village schools afforded. In 1863 he enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Seventeen Indiana Volunteer Infantry, participating in a number of engagements and serving in all some nine months. After his return he studied medicine, but later made a specialty of dental and mechanical surgery. He began the practice at Salem and in 1868 came to Mitchell (Marion Township, Lawrence County), where he has since resided, building up a good an steadily increasing business. His entire paternal ancestry were strong anti-slavery people, and on arriving at age he identified himself with the Republican party. He is now the Republican candidate for Recorder of Lawrence County. He is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church and Superintendent of Sabbath-school. He has been twice married, first to Miss Mary E. Hagan, a native of Washington County, her birth occurring December 21, 1847. This lady died July 19, 1878. His marriage with Miss L. Florence Roby occurred May 26, 1880. She was born in Kentucky, June 4, 1852, and died May 22, 1882. By the first marriage there were three children: Florence M., Alexander N. and Ada M. The fruit of the second marriage was a son--Earl G. Mr. McPheeters is one of the county's best citizens. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"