"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 ALBERT KERN was born in Indian Creek Township, Lawrence Co., Ind., January 15, 1820, son of ELDER ABRAHAM and SUSAN (WILSON) KERN, and is of German-Irish origin. The father of Mr. Kern was born in NICHOLAS COUNTY, KY., in 1786, and came to Lawrence County in 1816. He was one of the pioneer preachers of the Hoosier State, and founder of what was long known as White River Union Church. The only renumeration he ever received for his services in the ministry was 25 cents, and that was forced upon him. His death occurred in 1858. The year 1840 dated the marriage of the subject of this mention to Miss ELIZABETH HUTTON, a native of Lawrence County, born in 1820, daughter of ABEL and AUZY HUTTON, whose maiden name was DENSON. To this union were born twelve children. In 1840 Mr. Kern settled where he now is, and has since resided. Here he owns 360 acres of well improved land, and the greater part of which he cleared from the unbroken forest. As a farmer he is one of the most successful as well as one of the best in his township. He is a prominent Republican, and cast his first Presidential vote for Harrison. These people are among the pioneers of Lawrence County, and as citizens none stand higher. Mrs. Kern is a member of the Christian Church, and a most amiable Christian lady. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"