WINEPARK JUDAH, M.D., was born in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., March 5, 1842, the second of eleven children born to David B. and Emma (Parks) Judah. Subject was educated at the State University, Bloomington. His father's occupation was tanning, and the son learned that business at an early age. In May, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Fifty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered out in September, 1862, his term having expired. In July, 1863, he again enlisted in Company E., One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was promoted to Sergeant in February, 1864; in the battle of Walker's Ford he lost his hearing, which he has never entirely regained. After his discharge in 1864 he acted in the capacity of Recruiting Officer and Assistant Provost Marshall for Monroe County. June 9, 1865, he was married to Minerva A. Duncan, and nine children have been born to them, seven of whom are living: Lena M., William B., Mary A., Walter C., Winepark J., Stilson and Nellie. Mr. Judah keeps the only hotel in the village of Guthrie, and keeps a good house. The Doctor is an A. F. & A. M. and a Democrat. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""