"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 HENRY INMAN, an old pioneer, was born in Orange County;, Ind., in 1818; son of Thomas and Priscilla (Sanders) Inman. He is the fourth in a family of eight children and is of English blood. The father of Mr. Inman was born and raised in North Carolina. His paternal grandfather was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of King's Mountain. About 1812 the parents of Mr. Inman came to the territory that now composes Indiana. When the subject of this sketch was fifteen years of age he came with his parents to Lawrence County, where his father died in 1835. Mr. Inman was married in 1836 to Miss Sarah Mitchell, a native of Lawrence County. This marriage was blessed with thirteen children, ten of whom are living. In 1839 Mr. Inman made a settlement near where he now lives (Indian Creek Township). By occupation he has been a life-long farmer and now owns nearly 400 acres of well improved land. He has a good house and barn. He is one of the men who has cleared his farm from the unbroken wilderness. He is a Democrat, though in local matters he supports the best men. He had two sons and three sons-in-law in the late war. The first cabin in which Mr. and Mrs. Inman lived was 12x16 feet, built of round logs and had a stick chimney, puncheon floor and a clap-board door. Mr. and Mrs. Inman have long been members of the Baptist Church and are among the leading old settlers of Indian Creek Township. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"