"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 ARTHUR HASTINGS, an early settler and prominent citizen of Lawrence County, is a native of Wayne County, N.C., his birth occurring March 7, 1801. He is the eldest son of JOSHUA and ELIZABETH HASTINGS, the former being a native of Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to the Old North State, representing Wayne County over twenty years in the State Legislature. Arthur Hastings, during his youthful days, received a good practical education and shortly after attaining his majority came to Lawrence County, Ind., on horse-back, and settling down, married MRS. MARY (SMITH) WHITE, by whom he became the father of five children: EMILY, ARTHUR, MARY A., JAMES B. and WILEY G. His first wife dying, Mr. Hastings married CATHARINE, daughter of D. and M. (WILLIAMS) BOWDEN, and ELIZABETH JANE, now MRS. CANNAN WILLIAMS, was the only child born to their union. Farming has been Mr. Hastings's chief occupation through life and he now possesses 244 acres of good land. His present wife as well as did his former one, belongs to the Christian Church of which he has acted as Deacon over thirty years, and as Elder about twenty years. In every respect Mr. Hasting represents the best element of citizenship of Lawrence County. As a Republican he has served in various local positions of honor and trust with credit. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"