"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 MARSHALL GUTHRIE was born in this township July 9, 1840, being the seventh child of DANIEL W. and LUCY A. (WEDDELL) GUTHRIE, of whom proper mention is made elsewhere. Marshall remained with his parents until the age of twenty-four years, engaged in assisting on the farm and in attending to a limited extent the country schools. Upon reaching his majority he began to accumulate property for himself, and April 20, 1865, was married to SUSAN J. COOPER, who bore him one child--OLIVER MORTON. July 13, 1866, Mrs. Guthrie died, and February 10, 1870, Mr. Guthrie was united in marriage with MARY M. PAYNE, a native of Howard County, this State, who has presented him with seven children, of whom six are living: ALFRED B., WILLIAM H., CHARLES E., MICHAEL, GRACIE and CLYDE. Mr. Guthrie is a farmer, with 265 acres of land, and has also followed merchandising at Tunnelton. He is a Republican, and has officiated as Township Trustee. August 10, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, Fourth Indiana Cavalry, and served until April, 1863, when he was discharged for disability. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"