CONSTANT GAUSSIN, a native of France, was born October 1, 1854, and when three years old came with his parents, Felix and Mary E. GAUSSIN, to the United States, landing at New Orleans, from whence they came directly to Bedford. Constant received liberal schooling advantages in youth, and at the age of seventeen began the shoemaker's trade, at which he continued three years. In partnership with John L. BAKER, in 1875 he embarked in the retail liquor business, continuing until 1878, when he began in the business alone and has ever since continued it. As a business man Mr. Gaussin has been very successful, and through his own exertions he has become possessed of one of the finest residences in Bedford, besides the block and lot where his store is located. In politics he is a Democrat. October 11, 1875, Miss Ella VAUGHAN became his wife, and Nellie and Clarence C. are the names of their two children. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""