"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 J. G. FERGUSON was born May 28, 1832, in Perry Township, Lawrence County, Indiana, son of RALSTON and LETITIA (ARMSTRONG) FERGUSON. He is next to the eldest in a family of twelve children and is of Scotch-Irish extraction. The father of our subject was born in LAUREL COUNTY, KY., and when eight years of age came to Greene County, Ind., in company with his parents. Mr. Ferguson was united in marriage in 1859 to Miss TABITHA COX. To this union were born two children, viz: CANAAN and NETTIE. Mrs. Ferguson died in 1870 and the subject of this sketch was married again in 1871 to MRS. MARTHA RAINBOLT, who was deceased in 1878; and Mr. Ferguson was a third time married, in 1879, to MRS. SARAH SMITH. Mr. Ferguson began life properly for himself at a not very early day in his existence. He worked five years by the month on the farm. For nineteen years he has been engaged in farming and stock-raising, at which he has been most successful. He now possesses more than 300 acres of well improved land. In 1880 he built his present residence; the same is a frame, and cost about $2,000. He is one of the unswerving Republicans of Indian Creek Township and cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont. Mr. Ferguson is one of the enterprising men of Lawrence County and one of its most public-spirited citizens. He has been a resident of this county more than half a century. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"