HON. WILLIAM H. EDWARDS, attorney-at-law, was born in Marion Township, November 30, 1841, and after the usual common school training, in 1865, entered Wabash College at Crawfordsville, where he remained till the following May, when he went to farming, and after accumulating enough to pay his expenses, entered the Law Department of the University at Bloomington. During the year 1869 he was admitted to practice at the bar of Bedford, and located at Mitchell, where he has since remained; in 1864 was Assessor of Marion Township, and in 1868 was made Treasurer of Mitchell. In 1872 he was elected by the Republican party to the Legislature, serving a special and regular term. December 8, 1868, he was married to Miss Cornelia McCoy, a native of Ohio, and daughter of J. D. and Catharine (Ewing) McCoy, and one child has been born to them--John H. August 8, 1862, Mr. Edwards enlisted in Company H, Sixty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the following battles: Munfordville, Ky. (where he was captured), Vicksburg, Arkansas Post, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, and Siege of Vicksburg, where he was discharged by reason of disability. He is a member of the G. A. R. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"