"HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES INDIANA" GOODSPEED BROS. 1884 WILLIAM EDWARDS was born is Ashe County, North Carolina, June 16, 1811, the ninth of twelve children born to STARLING and SALIN (COBB) EDWARDS. Our subject came to this state in 1827, and has been a resident of this county ever since. In consequence of his father's death his educational facilities were limited, and he was cast out upon the world to carve his own fortune, and well he has done it. July 18,1833, he was married to ELIZABETH FISH, and to this union twelve children have been born, six of whom are now living: SERELDA, who was united in marriage to THOMAS KILGORE; SALLIE, wife of B. F. KILGORE; John, who married RETTA WILLIAMS; LUCIEN, whose wife was MARTHA LONG; a son, who married DELILAH CARISS; VIRGINIA F., who married GEORGE KINNICK. Farming has always been his occupation, and he now owns 208 acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards are members of the Christian Church, and he is a Democrat, having in by gone years taken quite an interest in political matters. He is well respected. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"