History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.,'s Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN M. DAGGY, son of Jacob and Eliza (Lockridge) Daggy, and brother of William Daggy, whose biography precedes this, was born in Augusts County, Va., June 22, 1823. His schooling was limited to the backwoods log-schoolhouses of his day, and until nineteen years old followed farming. He then began learning the blacksmith's trade at Nashville, Ind., and with but two years' experience has ever since followed his trade. In 1846 he located at Columbus, remaining there four years, then moved to Fayetteville, in Lawrence County. In March, 1858, he settled in Bedford, and has been working at his trade with John Owen, John K. Hammer, Mr. Owen and A.C. Glover as partners. In 1856 he became a member of the firm of Daggy, Hodge & Walheiser, one of the principal business firms of Bedford, and has ever since been senior partner. June 15, 1851, his marriage with Isabel J. Mitchell, daughter of Thomas Mitchell, one of the pioneers of Lawrence County, was solemnized, and to them have been born five children, only the following two yet living: Frank E. and Addie L. (Lary). Both parents belong to the Christian organization at Leatherwood Church. Mr. Daggy is an ardent member of the Masonic Fraternity, in which he has attained the Knight Templar degree. He has been W. M. for about twenty years, since residing in Bedford, and for the past ten years High Priest of Hacker Chapter. Hi is now holding one of the principal offices in the Bedford Council. Data Entry Volunteer: Lynn Dielman "lynnd@adnc.com" Lawrence9.gif 9/4/97