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"Finally, The Secret To Making Money
On The Internet


Right now thousands of people, all over the world, are earning substantial incomes on the Internet.

They are making money doing something you do every day for free!

And they are earning this money without spending a single penny!

Want to know how they do it?

Then don't pass by this opportunity to learn what you have been missing.

Remember, with what I am about to share with you, I absolutely GUARANTEE you will NEVER have to spend a single penny to make money on the Internet.


Then you owe it to yourself to check this out!

Contact me and I will show you how...

What Is This All About?

Most of you have probably heard of Paid To Read (PTR) programs.

If not, PTRs are programs where sign up to receive a couple of emails per day containing paid links. You receive cash for each paid link you click. When your earnings reach a set minimum, you get a check.

Now you may have heard about programs that will pay 5 cents, 10 cents or even a dollar per email.

Unfortunately, most of these programs come with high minimums to receive a check.

Some as high as $500.

And you have probaby seen ads for programs with very low minimums, but they only pay fractions of a cent per email.

Being mathmatically inclined, I figured out how long it would take to reach the pay out on some of these programs. Would you believe with some programs it could take nearly 300 YEARS to get get a check?

The shame of it is...

...It Does Not Have To Be This Way!

There IS a way to make REAL money with Paid To Read programs!

This is where the
Email Money Multiplier©
comes in.

If you have tried, or are trying the paid to read email business, you already know that it is possible to earn $25 or $30 dollars a month.

$25, $30, or even $50 a month is OK, for extra pocket change...

...but it's hardly worth your time and effort.

What if I could show you how to MULTIPLY those dollars by ten, twenty or even forty times?

Now we're talking real money!

Impossible you say?

Contact me and I will show you how...

What would you do with an extra
$200, $500, $1000 dollars, or more every month?

Take a vacation?
Pay off the credit cards?
Start a tuition fund for the kids?
Put something aside for retirement?
Pay off the mortgage on your house?

With the free "Email Money Multiplier©", you can easily make over $1000 per month with no more effort than clicking a mouse button and without spending a single penny.

And I am so certain that this system can work for you, that I will give you a free copy of Ken Envoy's best selling eBook, "The Affiliate Masters", just for looking over the instructions.

In "The Affiliate Masters", Ken Envoy outlines a simple, three point strategy for success with affiliate programs. He shows you how to:

  • Create content that attracts targeted traffic.
  • Then convert that traffic into dollars by causing visitors to click-through to the sites of the merchants that you represent.
  • Develop multiple streams of income through quality merchants
This is the single best solution, the total affiliate solution. After reading "The Affiliate Masters" you will be an accomplished affiliate Net marketer, a super-affiliate in the making.

I am willing to give away this valuable information, FREE, just for trying the Email Money Multiplier©

If, after reviewing the materials, you don't believe that you can make money using this simple system, delete the instructions...

-- but keep "The Affiliate Masters" as my gift to you.

So how can you learn more about the free
"Email Money Multiplier"© system?

Just contact me and I will show you how...

So What Is The
Email Money Multiplier©

Let's start with what it is not. The Email Money Multiplier© is not:

  • A Paid To Read Email Program
  • A Get Rich Quick Scheme
  • A devious plot to separate you from your money
  • A half baked, untested scheme dreamed up by some delusional teenager

The Email Money Multiplier© is:

  • Legal
  • Tested
  • Proven to work
  • Highly Automated
  • And the Email Money Multiplier© is always absolutely, 100% FREE

With the free Email Money Multiplier© you will receive:

  • A copyrighted, step by step guide detailing how to set up your own money making Email Money Multiplier© business.
  • Your own free web site advertising your Email Money Multiplier© business.
  • Tested, effective, high conversion copy to use on your web site.
  • Complete instructions to put your Email Money Multiplier© on autopilot
  • Full distribution rights to the entire Email Money Multiplier© system.

As an added bonus, I will share with you my most effective secrets for generating a HUGE amount of traffic to your new web site.

And don't forget the free copy of the best selling eBook "The Affiliate Masters" by Ken Envoy, just for looking over the instructions.

Don't worry if you are not technically inclined, the instructions are very simple to follow. If you have basic computer skills, (point and click, cut and paste, etc..) you WILL be able to set up your own Email Money Multiplier© business.

Contact me and I will show you how...

Now you are probably asking yourself,
"What makes the Email Money Multiplier© so powerful?"


Email Money Multiplier© puts the tried and true concepts of easy duplication and the magic of multiplication to work for you.

The free Email Money Multiplier© system combines high conversion advertising copy with an extremely effective web site and step-by-step instructions on how to put your business on auto pilot.

Contact me and I will show you how...

Okay, I know what you are saying:
"These things are all hype!"

"They never work for me."

"Nobody really makes any money."

I used to think the same way...
But take it from me,
The Email Money Multiplier© Really Is Different!

Take a look at what a few who have tried it have to say:

I didn't believe that these things worked at all. Was I wrong! I had been trying the reading emails for money bit, working for hours every day. And what did I get for it? A measley $32.47. Within thirty days of putting the Email Money Multiplier system to work for me, I had tripled my monthly checks. And the checks continue to grow month after month. Email Money Multiplier really does work! Thanks for clueing me in.

James Schlais
Wichita, Kansas

I admit it, I was a skeptic. I couldn't believe you could make serious money reading email. The Email Money Multiplier system proved me wrong. I have only worked this system for a few weeks and I am already getting paid. I am amazed! Thanks Email Money Multiplier!

Sanjay Patel
London, England

Only one week and I have earned over 200 dollars! That is more than I made reading emails all last year. Email Money Multiplier is great.

Jacques Lemieux
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Contact me and I will show you how...

About now you are probably asking yourself,

"If the the Email Money Multiplier© is so great,
why are you giving it away?"

That is a fair question. To answer it, let me tell you a little about my story:

When I joined my first paid to read email program, I thought, "Wow, this is great!" All I had to do was read an email or two and I would get a check! I thought I had found the perfect job.

Well, six months and lot of emails later, I had earned all of 57 cents! At this rate it was going to take me almost 5 years to reach the minimum payout of $5.00 and receive my check.

So much for the perfect job!

Well, I am not one to give up easily, so I started doing some research and you know what I discovered? There is a way to make money with paid to read email. And the key is to duplicate and multiply the business.

That's right, business. This is a real, honest to goodness business. A business that is free to start and with an excellent opportunity for income.

With these revelations in hand, I went about developing the The Email Money Multiplier© as a means of making the duplication and mutiplication simple. I spent over 18 months testing and refining it until it was ready to be used by anyone.

Then came the dilemma.
I had spent all this time developing my system
Now what was I going to charge for it?
What was this simple to use business multiplying system worth?

$100? ... $500? ...

Then it hit me, if the business is free to start, then it should be COMPLETELY free to start!

I decided to GIVE the The Email Money Multiplier© away for FREE.

And what is in it for me?

Simple. By helping you set up, build and multiply your The Email Money Multiplier© business, my business grows and multiplies as well.

That's right, I have skin in the game too! By helping you, I help myself as well. How is that for motivation?

So - are you ready to get started?

Contact me and I will show you how...

Will The "Email Money Multiplier"© Work For Me?

To put the free "Email Money Multiplier"© system to work, you must be willing to do the following:

  1. Follow the easy instructions immediately and TO THE LETTER!
  2. Spend a minimum of one hour a day working the system.
  3. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Commit to stick with it.
That's it! No Joke!

Now I am not going to kid you; there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Money doesn't grow on trees unless you plant an orchard.

There's a level of effort required to make this system work. And the effort you put in WILL determine the return you will see. Spend one hour today and you will see a couple of small checks within a month.

But if you make a committment, right now, to spend the next couple of weeks really working your Email Money Multiplier© business, you could be seeing hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of checks, EVERY MONTH!

It has worked for me. It has worked for many others. It will work for you too!

"Email Money Multiplier"© is:

Free To Try
Simple To Use
100% Risk Free!

And best of all...

...It Really Works!!!

You have my word on that.

Fernando Limido
Email Me
Contact me and I will show you how it works.

Don't forget about our

If you send for the instructions to implement the free "Email Money Multiplier"© system, we will also include Ken Envoy's best selling eBook "Affiliate Masters" Absolutely FREE! So you don't miss out on this special bonus, complete out the form below now!

First Name:
NOTE: We will NOT sell, rent, share, trade or in any other way make your name, email address, or other information available to any other party. The information you provide us will always be held in the strictest confidence.
PS - If you are trying to make money with paid to read email programs, or if you are just thinking about trying it -- are you prepared to make the most of your time? Why try to reinvent the wheel? Sign up for this free program, read it and put the simple, yet powerful ideas contained in it to work for you today!
PPS - As with anything else in business, timing is everything! Every day of delay represents lost income. Don't wait another day. Get the Email Money Multiplier© and start building your business Right Now!
All materials Copyright 2001, 2003 Link-Promote
All Rights Reserved. Do not reprint or distribute without express written permission.
The income statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, marketing background, product, effort and motivation to work and follow the program. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk.