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James Dean's
Fairmount High School

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A current project is underway for the restoration of the historic Fairmount High School.  This is where James Dean attended high school along with other celebrities including Jim Davis (the creator of Garfield), CBS newsman, Phil Jones; Bob Sheets, director of the National Hurricane Center; and Artist, Olive Rush.  The high school is currently on the 10 most endangered structures list in Indiana.
Click on each Thumbnail for a larger view.
FHS1.jpg (638756 bytes)     FHScorner.jpg (711183 bytes)     FHSMainEntrance.jpg (604807 bytes)    FHSRear.jpg (733569 bytes)    
   Picture 1                  Picture 2              Picture 3              Picture 4
FHSSecondStair.jpg (471747 bytes)  
    Picture 4                                                                                           
Picture Guide
Picture 1 - A sign located in the northwest corner of the High School explaining   the project.  According to the sign a tax deductible contribution can be made to:
                                                                 Historic Fairmount Inc.
                                                                "FHS" Rehab Project
                                                                 PO BOX 257
                                                                 Fairmount, IN 46298
Picture 2 - A view of the northwest corner and entrance of the school.  The stage where James Dean learned to act is on the third floor.
Picture 3 - The main entrance to the high school.
Picture 4 - A rear view of the school.
Picture 5 - An inside view of the school's second entrance.
Official Fairmount High School Links
Yahoo! Friends of Fairmount High School  Group - Keep up with the latest updates and news on the rehab project.  This group page also has many actual pictures taken from inside the High School including the auditorium where Jimmy learned to act.
Official Fairmount High School News Page


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