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The Indiana Brigade



Dedicated to preserving history through recreating it.







Col. Leach








Boys in Blue Poem








TWELVE thousand staunch, undaunted men, Twelve thousand Hoosiers we

The rifles on our shoulders,

The sabres at our knee.

From Indiana we are come,

Trav’ling mountains o’er;

And the song we sing is, Carry me back to Old Virginia shore!

Our harvest fields of golden grain

Are left with those we love;

We’re fighting to maintain for aye The flag that floats above.

There’s many a rebel soldier knows, When welt’ring in his gore,

The reason why we’ve tramped so far To Old Virginia shore,

The gray-haired man his blessing pours, With a brightly-sparkling eye.

They’re glad we’ve come; for rebels fly, Their cannon cease to roar,

Their flag to scent the mountain air That wraps Virginia’s shore. 

Twelve thousand staunch, undaunted men-Twelve thousand more to come;

And many eyes shall never see

The smiles that welcome home.

But hands are firm, and hearts will dare Brave deeds ne’er heard before

The stars and stripes shall float again O’er all Virginia’s shore.

New Albany, July 20


Copyright Indiana Brigade  2009

Updated 11-6-2010