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What do we have to offer you?

B.A.B.E. coupons-Beds and britches etc. 

Coupons awarded to L.S.F.s for returning monthly questionnaires fully completed with detailed information and attending monthly workshops.


Baby Buck Store  

Store located in PCIBP office. Store contains small items for Moms, babies, and family.  L.S.F.s receive Baby Buck coupons for volunteering their time in the office in exchange of items from the Baby Buck store and for Volunteer Sister Friend returning monthly questionnaires.   *L.S.F.s. receive double baby bucks if volunteer in company of their Volunteer S.F.*


Baby Shower 

The showers will occur every three or four months and there are usually three bunches of L.S.F. invited to each shower.  Sister Friends please contact the office for specific required details.



L.S.F.s will receive a large decorated basket full of items for mom,baby, and partner during pregnancy and after delivery for attending six of eight monthly workshops.



L.S.F.s receive cash for volunteering time in office, assisting Program Coordinator with health fairs or any other community service, present report card with C average or above, and attend monthly workshop with Volunteer S.F., father of baby, or partner.  Volunteer S.F.s receive incentives from IBPCI to assist in communication with L.S.F.


Sister Circle

Group of L.S.F.s or Volunteer S.F.s whom are willing to share experiences of giving birth and parenting with a L.S.F. 

*Volunteer S.F. coordinate meetings*



L.S.Fs are sent a monthly questionnaire; either prenatal or postnatal to complete and return in the business reply envelope provided on a monthly basis.  L.S.F.s receive a B.A.B.E. coupon for each questionnaire returned fully completed with detailed accurate information.  Volunteer S.F.s will receive a monthly questionnaire, L.S.F.s will receive two baby buck coupons for each questionnaire returned by their Volunteer S.F.



Workshops take place once a month on Saturdays from 1pm-3pm. L.S.F.s will receive B.A.B.E. coupons for attending workshops and may be eligible for Learn &  Earn.