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A grassroots organization of marijuana smokers has arisen from the ashes of the drug war to launch a final stand against the unfair pot laws of this nation. News of this new development is traveling by word of mouth, and it is traveling quickly. Pot smokers and many who don’t smoke pot are joining in on this movement. They are seeding America. In three states, mostly small town U.S.A., members of city councils, the police force, mayors, preachers, farmers, and just about everyone else, are finding marijuana plants in their back yards. Authorities have no suspects. Pot smokers from these small towns are apparently saving their seeds and throwing them all over the place; a couple of months later, when the plants grow up, police have no suspects for an act committed in secret with no eye witnesses. One smoker said that when he first heard of the movement, he printed flyers and started telling all his friends. “I just wish I had thought of this 20 years ago,” he commented,” Fight fire with fire? We’re gonna fight pot laws with pot.” No one knows who started this seeding of America, but you can be quite sure that their cause has not gone unnoticed. State legislatures are calling emergency sessions to find a solution to this “outburst of pot plants” that is beginning to crowd their streets. Police officer Bill Payton from Chilton, Texas, a small town particularly hard hit with new plant growth said,” The problem is that we can’t find out who is growing pot on purpose and who isn’t. Everyone we find with the plant on their property says they knew nothing about it. I just don’t know what we’re going to do. When a small town of 3,000 folks has about 2,000 of those people growing marijuana, there isn’t a whole lot you can do.” Another problem is that no one person is spreading word of this movement. People hear about it on their local news, or see it growing in their backyard and jump on the band wagon. The outcome of this new approach to fighting the drug war may not as yet be known, but what we do know is that the marijuana smokers of America and their friends may have just started the end of all pot laws with just a small handful of seeds. _______________________________________________________ Hemp Revolution news would like to keep the public informed about this new phenomena as it unfolds. It is our belief that this new movement is being ignored by large media groups to prevent copycat incidents. Get the word out. To keep updated send a blank e-mail to to receive our free monthly newsletter. This document is not copyrighted. Feel free to copy and distribute or forward to friends.
