Its Not Dark Yet...But Its Getting There
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Its Not Dark Yet...But Its Getting There

Hey Hey Hey.....Shazaaam. Now ain't this poppin'.....ahhhh shit yea I know it ain't be yet, but when I get-er-done (heh heh heh, fuckin couldnt resist...if ya hear me knockin) but hey yea, WAALAAAH. Presto. Now don't be fooled by the titles and words and objects and whatnot, I do, yes do know what I am doin (see how I made that 'do' bold right back there), so yea.

Little Plastic Castle
Really this is not, I repeat, is not (heh. did it again) a little castle, nor is it plastic. You click on this and you open a whole new universe, yea fuck that castle shit, naw but for real now its my small photo album, like online so you dont have to like go thru that whole "pain in the ass turning the page thing" with normal photo albums.

So I'll Walk The Plank, And I'll Jump With A Smile

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose--Janis Joplin