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Cooke...The shortest Fighting Scot

Music stuff
Latest info on WCF and FCA at Wooster
College of Wooster...Home of the Fighting Scots
Culver high school

November 9, 2003: Hey guys! Welcome to my site! I've always wanted to make my own webpage, even if no one ever would visit it or not, but I decided to anyways. I guess this would be my first journal entry, so here it goes... Well, its getting cold here at Wooster, our Indian summer has come and gone. Church at the Northview Missionary Alliance Church over by Buehlers was so amazing today, I left in tears. They brought a missionary from Jordan to speak, and my heart is really broken for the people of Montreal. For those who don't know, I went on a mission trip to Montreal for 2 weeks in between my junior and senior year of high school, and I've always wanted to go back. I'm going to talk to Julie Long, the wcf coordinator here to see if one year I can organize a trip of students to go to Montreal. Well, thats about it for now. Take care, and God bless!
