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SEPTEMBER 26th 2002

Hello. I just wanted to say that Asydra have 2 new songs in the works & they are f**kin awesome. You are in for a treat when they play out again. Jeff got a new amp & guitar so far & rest of band iz working on getting their equipment. The band iz also working on promo packs to send out to record companies & The Asydra Asylum (street team) iz still being discussed & planned out. For those of you who can't wait to hear Asydra live again, they will be playing a show sometime in November, I will announce the date & place when it gets closer to that time. I will say it iz the cd release party for Spil. And one last thing make sure to wish Charles a happy 18th birthday, it iz today. HAPPY 18th CHARLES. That iz all for now. Thanks, Ozz~>


AUGUST 29th 2002

Asydra have finished their 5 song cd, & each has it's own original cover.The CD release party iz this Saturday the 31st in Richmond at Glen Miller Park/Roosevelt Hill. It'z an all day concert from 11am-11pm, and it'z FREE! So come out a support some local bands, and buy their CD for $5.oo. Asydra has cancelled some shows because of problems they are having with their equipment, they are going to be taking some time off doing shows to save up for new equipment & write new songs. I will keep you updated on that. Also, the Official Website can't be updated, so they are having a new one made, and it promises to be a lot better. Check my links page for all the asydra sites out there. That's all for now. Thanks, Ozz~>


AUGUST 23rd 2002

Ok I have added Jeff's Bio to his page & I have updated Jeremy's Bio. Go check them out. More pics should be added as soon as the band gets them to me! Thanks, Ozz~>


AUGUST 17th 2002

Hello & welcome to the Unofficial Asydra Website. I am building this site for the band for numerous reasons. The main reason iz that the Official Site can not be updated. I was helping them with their site but the trial ran out on the FTP uploader thing we was using. So I can post updates on this site & let you all know what iz going on with the band & all the new will be Official. The band did not ask me to build this site, I did it on my own free will as a fan & a bro to them.
As of right now AsydrA are almost done with their CD. It iz in the mastering stages & will be released at the August 31st show. The cd's will be $5 each. I will tell you now that the cd sounds awesome, I was in the studio with them when they were recording some of it, It iz a great sounding CD for a 1st demo!!!
There are some links that will not work just yet. I will try & get some more recent pics of the band up on here when I can, right now I have none. If you want to book a show or just write the band & tell them what iz on your mind, you can click the E-mail button on the opening page. Well until I get further news from the band this will have to do. I do want to say one last thing. This site will be S**t Talk Free. IF anyone knows about the guestbook entries on other bands sites then you know what I mean. This site will not have a guestbook. AsydrA have a guestbook on the Official Site if you want to sign it. Thanks & please send this site to all the AsydrA fans so they can be informed on what iz going on with the band. Support Your Local Bands, It's the fans that make the bands get known!!! Thanks, Ozz~>