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Visit the Great Swamy!!! Yay! For Disney! Some Random Thoughts Hey! Did You Know?!?! My Stoopid "Journal" Linkz

Welcome to My Life!

Damn! you must have been pretty bored to have come to this page made by ME!

Hey Well welcome to my life!!! To most its well uh kind of boring but hey I like and if you have a problem then you can just shut your mouth and leave. You would be doing me a really big favor.

Alright well if you decieded to stay then great!!! You least I hope you will have a great time at my site. Well I for one want to welcome you...I am Allyson the creator of this magnificant site/world. I am 16 and I go to Pike Highschool---uh Ya know what? I bet if you want to know more about me then just click on the

About Me! section and there I will tell yu more about me...but until then explore!!!!! MUHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! *ahem* yeah...bye now!

One Bright day in the middle of the night_Two dead boys got up to fight_back to back they faced each other_drew their swords and shot each other_a deaf policeman heard the noise_came and shot the two dead boys_If you do not believe that this lie is true_ ask the blind man, he saw it too.



My life is boring...what else is new? My journal isnt updated...but I did just add a new quiz just makes an even bigger point about how my life is so non-exsistent.

But anyway I think that is all for now I hope everybody enjoys this site... Email me if you have any comments or something..

About Me!

My People


Song of the Month

Enter the Diablo World!!!



Tests...(continued contined)

Woo Hoo!
For Disney!!!
(Under Construction)

Visit the Great Swamy!!!

Some Random Thoughts

Hey! Did You Know?!?! This is strictly for when you get bored!

My Stoopid "Journal"



What's *Your* Sex Sign?
You are the epitome of hybridity, you're LINKIN PARK! You can safely say there's not that many other people just like you, you're either a clash of several subcultures or in a category all your own. You're also known to be weird and just totally off the wall with your friends. So which BAND are YOU?