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My favorite pictures of Aaliyah

Welcome to the Aaliyah photo album. I have a lot of pictures, but I have only put my absolute favorite up along with a small explaination of why I like them so much. I decided to do it this way because it is impossible to chose ones that she is really pretty opposed to ones where she is not so pretty. Aaliyah was an absolutely beautiful person inside and out, so to chose one pretty over another pretty would be pointless, since she was pretty in EVERY picture she took. Even in the pics where they might have caught her off guard. She will be missed greatly. We will never have anyone as wonderful as her in music or movies.

/.\ This is my home made tribute to Aaliyah, even though the conversion to JPEG messed it up! I miss her greatly, but I know that one day everyone will be with her and everyone else we have lost along the way. RIP girl we love you and miss you dearly! /.\

This picture is so beautiful because she is smiling and just sitting there on the beach in front of the sun. According to Access Ganted, this photo would have been shot the day before her passing.

Here is Aaliyah and her man man Damon Dash. It is great to know she was blessed enough to be in love with someone before her time came. Damon said she was "100% satisfied, and that is something not everyone can experience so early in life."

This is the picture that is at the webpage for Aaliyah's official site. It was up before she passed away. It seems a little fore-telling...

Here is the beautiful Aaliyah in her costume for her upcoming LEAD role in Queen of the Damned. The movie is suposed to come out in Feb. of 2002 and is said to be dedicated fully to Babygirl's memory and how good she played this evil vampire.

These pics were shot during Aaliyah's times with MTV. The first two are from the 20th b-day party for MTV, I think, and the last one is from her day as the VJ for a day on TRL.

of all the pictures I have of Aaliyah, I believe this one is the prettiest. I just like all the colors. She was just absolutely beautiful

These are three black and white pictures of Aaliyah that I love greatly. They were color photos and I just switched them over to black and white. Black and white pictures seem to capture the very essence of a person, in my opinion.

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